Newbie and over 60 and ..looking for friends and support

Marie31450 Posts: 96 Member
I'm 62 and have been overweight by around 40-50 lbs most of my adult life. My daughter has encouraged me to use this site. She is an inspiration . Lost well over 70 lbs a few years ago and has kept it off! She uses this site faithfully to track everything she eats . To her it's a lifestyle, not a diet. I'm very proud of her..

I 've been on every diet imaginable over the years..and yes I've lost weight.. but never was succesful in losing it all and keeping it off. Now that I'm in my so called post menopausal years.. I find it's become more & more difficult to lose ..

So..looking for friends that can share tips and what works for them


  • speedracer2007
    speedracer2007 Posts: 53 Member
    Tips: Log everything you eat everyday so you are accountable to yourself and others ... Let them be able to view your food diary.
    Ask for moral support or inspiration or help if you need it. These friends are great and all here for the same reason . We will help each other. Add me as a friend.
    Good Luck

    PS. This site works.... if you work it
  • Francesca3162
    Francesca3162 Posts: 520 Member
    Fill out profile, share your diary and be honest .. if you bite it, you write it (stolen phrase from other MFPer).
    Add me as friend if you so choose!
  • karen8873
    karen8873 Posts: 100 Member
    Awwww, Mom! Your pregnant emotional daughter is about to cry right now ! lol
    But yes I agree with the others , track track track !:wink: If you stick with it it will work , and will become part of your daily routine.
  • I am new and I am 53 years old I was looking for somewhere that I could talk to people with the same issues I have losing weight got my 2 daughters on with me but need other people to join in with me so Marie I am with you I start out the week good and end it bad right now I am off work due to my bad knee and feel I can't do anything but eat but today I woke up and said I am tired of feeling bad about my self and going to start today everything that goes in my mouth I will put in because you know where it goes on my belly and it shows. I want everyone to have a safe weekend and enjoy with friends and family thanks for all the support:happy:
  • da1128
    da1128 Posts: 212 Member
    Hiya Marie!

    I'll be 62 in July and I login every day here. My starting weight was 141 and I'm now took me approximately 2 months to make it there. It really helps to record your food intake and exercise data and I feel guilty if I don't do it, hence I haven't missed a day. Yep, it sure is more difficult to lose as you get older, but this site definitely motivates you. Good luck!
  • vxmann
    vxmann Posts: 6
    Hi, I am Gigi and I just started this yesterday. I don't have any friends that want to lose weight and use this site, so I'd like some support. Not sure how this works. Do I just use this message board to add personal comments, or do I "meet" a like-minded person and we email each other to give support, or? Any help much appreciated. Thanks.
  • Marie31450
    Marie31450 Posts: 96 Member
    Thank you!:happy:
  • ribena1958
    ribena1958 Posts: 152
    Hiya, I am 54 and going thru the mental pause as we speak! it IS harder to get it off when older, I wish I would have listened to people who said that when I was younger.................BUT its not impossible. It may take more time than most, and it may take some jiggling. I work on less carbs, less fat more protein. That's because I was told that carbs hold more water, and lets face it girls, we don't need that when its time to step on those weekly scales!

    Well done to your daughter!! Don't deny yourself things, I always try to work my foods around my calories, and save some for towards the weekend when the family is home or unexpected things come up and catch me works for me, so that's how I can do it. I am sure with the setting on your food diary you can look over the previous weeks when you may have not lost or stayed the same and do a little adjusting, but please remember to EAT ALL YOUR CALORIES as need to what your body needs each week, or you will feel sluggish, tired and depriving your body of essential nutrients. Don't feel 'good' that you haven't used all your calories, feel GOOD if you do xxx it does make a difference to health and weight loss x
  • MissMiley
    MissMiley Posts: 49
    Hi Marie,

    Your daughter has steered you in the right direction! There are a great group of us older gals on here working towards the same goals, full of motivation, support and encouragement! Join us! I think you'll find it much easier than any of the diets we have all tried in the past!

    Feel free to send me a friend request!! And anyone else who would like to share our weight loss journey together!! It's much more fun to do it together!

  • vxmann
    vxmann Posts: 6
    How do you look at other people's food and exercise diaries? I think that could be helpful, especially comparing yourself to people in your age group and with similar goals. I'm still learning my way around this site. Thanks for help!