Changing Goals

I have decided to alter my goal to losing 1/2lb a week, not because I've lost loads and am nearing that "last 10" or anything, but because I want to set myself up better to help me suceed. I'm one of these people that if I went over by a bit, I'd say "stuff it!" and go over by a few hundred or more, ready to just "start over tomorrow". My thinking is that this way I will overall succeed better by staying in goal - and therefore AWAY from those stuff it moments!

I'd love to hear people's opinions and experiences of doing this - I think it may fall into the "eat more to weigh less" camp, but I am still theoretically at a defect, just a smaller one. I think I will at least mentally feel a bit better and that I'm keeping to the road.


  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    anyone? hehe or am I alone and kidding myself that it's a good plan? :)