Personal Responsibility

I've used this term so many times when complaining about someone or something else. I read a blog today that got me to thinking about MY personal responsibility to MYSELF.

The basic line of thought was that the writer was tired of hearing people make excuses and then whining and promising they would do better, without achieving results.

Pretty much EXACTLY what I've been doing for the last 2 months. Sheesh, I felt like he was writing about me.... like he had been watching ME as I made my really bad choices and then made excuses for them.

No, I can NOT blame my husband. Nope, not the stress from my job, or my kids, or the bills or the economy or any other damned thing.

I must accept PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for my actions, and my results.

I am the one who has been putting the CRAP in my mouth, sitting on my butt, not getting enough sleep and then dreading what the scale has to say.

The blog writer did give me hope as he pointed out that I am the one in control of my choices by saying that it is never too late to start, and if I have to start over, that's ok too. Just as long as I start.


  • Jenni268
    Jenni268 Posts: 202 Member
    Great attitude! I really had to think about things this when I was experiencing an eight month long "plateau". It's in quotations because I wasn't suffering from an actual plateau but from bad eating and no exercise. Sure, I didn't gain weight (which is definitely a plus) but I wasn't losing either, and I was wrongfully blaming that plateau phenomenon that gets thrown around so often.

    In fact, it took my husband to tell me, "Stop complaining if you're not going to do anything about it" to even get me to START on this lifestyle-change journey.

    Keep up the good attitude, continue to make changes and accept responsibility and I am sure you will succeed!!! :flowerforyou:
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    This is a great topic!! Sounds just like me as well!! I am having the hardest time losing the weight but at the same time...I give up doing certain workouts when I don't see results quick enough...Also, I DO NOT eat the way I should & I blame it on money but if I quit buying the crap foods then I would have the money for the healthier ones....Thank you for this post...It is a real eye opener for me at least & I really needed this today!!

    We CAN do this!! No more Excuses!!! :)

    ETA: I am going to add this to my favs so that I can read it when I need to hold MYSELF accountable!!

    Btw...Who posted the blog so that I can check it out as well....I would love to read it!! :)
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    I've used this term so many times when complaining about someone or something else. I read a blog today that got me to thinking about MY personal responsibility to MYSELF.

    The basic line of thought was that the writer was tired of hearing people make excuses and then whining and promising they would do better, without achieving results.

    Pretty much EXACTLY what I've been doing for the last 2 months. Sheesh, I felt like he was writing about me.... like he had been watching ME as I made my really bad choices and then made excuses for them.

    No, I can NOT blame my husband. Nope, not the stress from my job, or my kids, or the bills or the economy or any other damned thing.

    I must accept PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for my actions, and my results.

    I am the one who has been putting the CRAP in my mouth, sitting on my butt, not getting enough sleep and then dreading what the scale has to say.

    The blog writer did give me hope as he pointed out that I am the one in control of my choices by saying that it is never too late to start, and if I have to start over, that's ok too. Just as long as I start.

    GREAT! Some people on here would get down on the writer for not being supportive, but at some point it Actually comes down to the wo/man in the mirror. It took a near death experience for Me to ACTUALLY DO what I KNEW and had mapped out in A (MY) WELLNESS PLAN! What we know and what we are WILLING TO DO can be an Ocean apart. Just NEVER stop trying...the trying is what may have saved My Life, when I was in no position to fight the BAD Habits because I had to FIGHT to save My Life, I just allowed the GOOD that I knew to take over; basically, I SURRENDERED to the Best in Me. I am now WELL and STILL LIVING WELLNESS!

    Be Well, Live Well, BE ALTITUDE!
  • jean1058
    jean1058 Posts: 86 Member

    Btw...Who posted the blog so that I can check it out as well....I would love to read it!! :)

    LOL, I've read so many today I can't find it now. If I do, I'll get back to you. Thanks for your positive comments. Add me as a friend if you like!