Trying to Conceive but need to get in shape...

Hi everyone!!! Total newbie here. I've been way overweight my entire life. The only time I've ever lost weight was in high school when my summer job forced me to be active and eat well. I loved the way I felt, but then I got into a relationship, began to feel comfortable with him and let myself go. :frown: I've never gotten it back. I have finally gotten to the point where I am sick of being unhealthy and am making changes. However, it's hard for me to get motivated because my boyfriend thinks I am perfect just the way I am so he tells me I am being silly worrying about loosing weight. Not a lot of help there!! So I am coming here to find support.
I would love to have as many supportive friends as I can, but most importantly I was hoping to find some people that can give me some advice on how to safely loose weight while I try to conceive my first child. I know I have a better chance of having a healthy baby if I myself am healthy, but I don't want to over do things and run the risk of making it difficult to conceive or harm my baby once I do. So anyone with any advice PLEASE SHARE!!!!

P.S. I'm 5'4, weigh about 224 and right now my goal is 160 within a year.


  • CEHayes73
    CEHayes73 Posts: 221 Member
    As long as you're losing by eating healthy and exercising within reason, you should be fine. Aiming to lose 1-2 lbs a week is usually what is reccommended. Your chances of conceiving should actually go up as you become healthier. Your stats are close to mine (I'm 5'5" and started at 222, my goal weight is 150) I've already had my children, and am now trying to lose all the weight I put on over the last 15 years of putting myself at the bottom of the list! Hope it goes well for you!! You can add me if you want.
  • sexycheesemonkey
    sexycheesemonkey Posts: 196 Member
    Well from the looks of your stats we have similar goals! I'm trying t get to 170 within the year (my complete weight at the moment is 130) I'm currently at 225. I am also trying to conceive my first child. So please feel free to add me! I've married for 4 years now and my hubby is in full support of me becoming healthy for the sake of our children being healthy. =) Feel free to add me!