new to this

I signed up for this last year when I thought I was heavy. Never used it and here I am almost 30 pounds added on to my all time highest weight. I need help and support from others who are trying to make a positive change in their lives.


  • DaveneGfit
    DaveneGfit Posts: 338 Member
    Feel free to add me! I know it can be very tough to do it alone and it's so very important to have others to support you. You can do it!
  • feel free to add me too, your story sounds very similar to mine!
  • emma9797
    emma9797 Posts: 36
    Hi! :)
    Yup, like other said, feel free to add me :P:)
    Hope too, that we can support each other in the future, and good luck! :D
  • teagensmommy
    teagensmommy Posts: 13 Member
    Wanting to be healthy is my biggest goal. In my teens and early 20s I was thin, rail thin. I purposely gained weight. Now that seems crazy. Perhaps that where this all started. I finally knew how good food was. I got to a healthy 160. (I'm 5'8") hen I got pregnant had my son and slowly the weight has crept on. In two years I have gained 50 lbs. In the last ten I have gained 100. Its so scathe to write that. To admit it to myself makes me want to cry. I am now at my highest weight. 212 lbs. I def need all the help and support I can get. Thank you for the adds, it means the world to me!