Other nut butters



  • 4rgl
    4rgl Posts: 106
    I make almond butter at home with a food processor.
    I prefer almond butter for the taste.
    And I prefer to make it home as some brands (and this is true especially for peanut butter) have additives to preserve it for a longer time in addition to enhance flavor. It's also a bit cheaper to make at home.

    To answer your question, there is not a big difference in calories and fat but almond butter offers a bit more as it has a little more calcium and iron than peanut butter and is a much better source of vitamin e.

    Also, you're most likely aware of it but I'll mention it anyways.
    The fats in nuts are nothing to be scared of, they are healthy. So if you have room for it in your calories it should be fine.
  • 4rgl
    4rgl Posts: 106
    I'm allergic to PB but I eat Almond Butter. I really want a VitaMix to make my own, I also love Hazlenut Butter as well!

    Yes. Please get a Vitamix. If you only make 1 purchase for the REST OF YOUR LIFE - Make it a Vitamix. It is THAT amazing.

    Best thing I have ever bought, period.

    What is a Vitamix? I just use a food processor to make a lot of things including nut butters. What does a vitamix does that a food processor doesn't? Just curious as I've never heard of it..
  • jmp1031
    jmp1031 Posts: 95 Member

    I agree with everything, but wow no PB thread is complete without my love ^^

    - Could not agree more with this! LOVE it! and a little goes a long way to satisfy.
  • amy12321
    amy12321 Posts: 57 Member
    I like a lot of the "nuts to you" nut butters. I like the almond, pumpkin seed butter is the best! There's hazelnut too if you like that. I find it kind of bitter but you can mix it with peanut and it's pretty good. Almond is my favourite but I also like the Maranatha almond butter and the Maranatha dark chocolate almond and dark chocolate peanut butter. Yum!
  • supersparklies
    supersparklies Posts: 40 Member
    I love Sunbutter! Good stuff. I find myself often substituting foods and use a website named twofoods.com
    It lets you compare nutrition info for two foods, just like it sounds.
  • BriskisGrl
    BriskisGrl Posts: 461
    I have a simple peanut butter cookie recipe for anyone interested... just private message me for the ingredients *only 4*
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Oh, one more thing. Try mixing that chocolate pb with some high protein Greek yogurt (like Fage total). I call it sludge.
  • georgiarenee
    I love natural Almond and chia seed spread :)
  • reyopo
    reyopo Posts: 210 Member
    I'm allergic to peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, macadamias and brazil nuts. So, I can have cashews, pistachios, and pecans and all the seeds. Cashew butter is my absolute favorite, so creamy and it's amazing in sauces and other recipes...you can make "sour cream" out of it in a blender adding a little ACV, salt, and water! Sunflower butter is great, but I've only found one brand around without added sugar. I also get a fantastic pumpkin seed butter blend, with flax and sunflower that's much cheaper than 100% pumpkin seed...unless you make your own. Coconut butter (or "Manna") is also unbelievable. I haven't made pistachio butter yet...but thanks to this thread, I think I'll try tomorrow!
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member

    I agree with everything, but wow no PB thread is complete without my love ^^

    Oh, also, if you are saying that you want the taste of peanut butter, you could get bell_plantation_pb2_new.jpg

    But I like the fat and taste of normal stuff, so I couldn't tell you how the PB2 compares
    Where are you finding these brands? I've never seen them. Are they something from Trader Joe's or Sprouts? I'm generally a Ralph's girl, but I would branch out for this!
  • Pomoch325
    Pomoch325 Posts: 63 Member
    I kind of have a 2 am shoveling peanut butter in the facehole problem

    This made me lol... because It is a very accurate description of my relationship with pb.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member

    I agree with everything, but wow no PB thread is complete without my love ^^

    Oh, also, if you are saying that you want the taste of peanut butter, you could get bell_plantation_pb2_new.jpg

    But I like the fat and taste of normal stuff, so I couldn't tell you how the PB2 compares
    Where are you finding these brands? I've never seen them. Are they something from Trader Joe's or Sprouts? I'm generally a Ralph's girl, but I would branch out for this!
    ew, no neither are sold at my TJ's. I've seen both in most any grocery store, neither sounds tasty to me though. I like the real thing. Just ground nuts, whatever I'm in the mood for at the time, unsalted no other ingredients but the Nut Butter.

    Oh, also, if you are saying that you want the taste of peanut butter, you could get bell_plantation_pb2_new.jpg

    ^This stuff tastes like AWEFULLNESS (editing myself here). :noway:

    How DARE you compare it to amazing peanut butter!! :mad:

    Agreed!!! By eating low fat, reduced fat PB, you are taking away the purpose of eating PB...which is the taste AND the good fats!! Stick with peanut butter that is plain peanut butter. Read the labels. PB2 is overly processed. I eat PB nearly everyday but limit it to 2 TBL daily. :) Enjoy it...in small quantities.

    Could not have said it better myself : ). Real nut butter please !!!!!
    ^^ Definitely agree, only the real thing for me as well. Why eat it if it's not the real thing! PB's not bad for you in moderation. But I'm not a eat a whole jar of PB in a night type of girl. I might eat 1 or 2 T.'s a day and be happy with that, I know some of you've shared you could eat the jar if it's in the house. PB? Nah...but I have my things, and they no longer live in my house or I'd eat the whole thing..:noway: :tongue: