

  • Dumbell_Diva
    Dumbell_Diva Posts: 175 Member
    This week I will mostly be: Chewing gum and drinking water, whilst running round the block!!! Hope I dont choke on itt!!! Good information...thank you!! :happy:
  • JulieH3art
    JulieH3art Posts: 293 Member
    About the sleep... I'm not so sure if that's true. Maybe I'm wrong, but every age group needs different amount of sleep. Depending on age, that's what i know. Anyone know more about this?


    Yes. I'm not sure if somebody already replied, but you need a LOT of sleep when you are younger. This is because your body is in constant change, you are constantly growing. And the hormone that makes you grow, the accurately named "growth hormone" (GH), is released in large quantities when we sleep. That's why teens nap so much. That's why babies nap so much. It moves in cycles, like you can see in your image. Limiting sleep at these stages can limit your growth and make you shorter than you were naturally designed to be.
  • forthespiderqueen
    I'm sorry, I think this is a bunch of bull.

    I mean some of it maybe, but I think it is (mostly) eating more than you put in.

    Most of these are about how to not go over your daily calories ie Not eating more - (for example most people eat free food without thinking - or assume drinks are lower cal then they are). The sleep one I am not to sure would make a big enough difference, but mostly they are good things to think about.
  • michaeltoye
    michaeltoye Posts: 48
    I disagree with the diet soda thing. I have 3 or 4 cans a day and i credit it with sating my sweet tooth and allowing me to lose nearly 70 pounds to a 30" waist.

    diet soda's not the problem for waistlines (other ailments, maybe), it's lack of food discipline!

    it totally works in a calorie controlled diet, just like chocolate or fried chicken does too!

    the whole "drink diet soda and your diet will fail" thing irritates me no end.
  • m_wilh
    m_wilh Posts: 362 Member
    BUMP . . . Thanks for sharing!
  • lcpurser
    lcpurser Posts: 109 Member
    Weak science, especially the one about eating after 8 pm. Study showed that people who ate after 8 pm consumed more calories? More like, people who are obese and consume more calories are more LIKELY to eat after 8 pm. Trying to link two things together and make it sound like one causes the other with nothing to back it up....that leads me to be that much more critical of the rest of the info you have included.