little bit of motivation for those of you in my shoes...

So, I've been working out consistently for about 2 months now. Zumba, elliptical, soccer, weight lifting....I've been doing anything and everything to burn those calories and still have fun. Within the first 6 weeks, I lost 7 pounds! I just weighed myself today(8 weeks) after working out at the gym and discovered that I'd gained back 2 pounds! Gah!!

However, I've lost inches EVERYWHERE and I feel AMAZING. I feel much healthier and stronger than I did 2 months ago. So, do not give up and let 2 pounds destroy your 2 months worth of hard work, determination and sweat! It was REALLY hard for me to not freak out when I saw the numbers on the scale, but after taking my measurements I relaxed a ton and realized that being "fit" is much more than numbers on a scale : ) I am going to up my calories a bit as I've been eating between 200-400 less than I should be everyday so hopefully this will help drop me back down.

Have a great weekend!!
