What are your thoughts?

Hi everyone! I'm new to MFP...about 3 weeks. I have enjoyed reading all the posts on all the message boards and everyone seems to be pleasantly honest, so I thought I'd ask for your thoughts on an issue that has been bothering me.

I was watching a TV show a week or two ago and they were talking about weight issues. There was a fitness trainer on the show and he stated that usually when someone gains weight, it's not about the food but actually an issue that needs to be addressed in the person's life, whether it be a want or a need. A few examples could be needing balance in your life, being unhappy with your job, relationship issues....in my opinion, things that ultimately cause unhappiness. What are your thoughts on this subject?

I think it could be both. I gained about 20 pounds in a year but I was newly divorced and in a new relationship and the happiest I'd ever been. At that point in my life, I was so wrapped up in my new relationship that I let go of working out and actually enjoyed "being happy." I think part of my problem now is that I am still happy in my relationship and I am loved no matter how much weight I gain. But ultimately, I am not happy with my weight...it's the heaviest I've ever been.

Finally, the question (sorry so long)...Do you think that most people actually have deeper issues which cause weight gain or could it simply be about the food?


  • donnadelno
    I feel that weight gain is caused by too much carbs and sugar. Carbs and sugar make you want to eat more. I also get more puffy around my middle on days after I have eaten too much sugar. Read South Beach diet book and eat those foods. Easy choices to get on your weekly grocery list. Jerky, nuts, whole wheat bread, cheeses, things that you won't want to eat too much of. Diet soda, too.
    You will slim down and feel terrific while tracking your food. Good luck to you!
    -20 in California
    I love MFP!
  • khoolette
    khoolette Posts: 73
    I have heard that before too. I'm not sure it is true for all people or even most people. I can name several reasons why I am struggling with weight..and none of them are due to stress, unhappiness, lonliness, abuse, or the like. I just didn't grow up eating healthy. While my dad has always been small, he never has liked vegetables. He just wants meat and potatoes. My mom has always been heavy. I wasn't taught to eat healthy. Everyone is heavy on my Mom's side. Strikes against Me: lack of nutritional education, genes, and laziness. I am just now getting educated and getting off my butt to exercise :0)
  • injuneer81
    injuneer81 Posts: 122 Member
    It goes to show you that everybody has an opinion.

    Well here is mine.

    Everybody is different. It may be true for some and not for others. people lose or gain weight for a variety of reasons.

    I think a reasonable person knows the reason they have gained weight.

    I think you know exactly why you gained weight :

    "I was so wrapped up in my new relationship that I let go of working out and actually enjoyed "being happy."

    Now what it comes down to is simple: burn more calories than you consume and you will lose weight.

    the hard part is doing it.

    this site is great for helping you keep track of your calories, both food and exercise.

    By the way. I think you look great in your picture and you do look happy.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I don't think it makes you gain the weight, but I think it can "keep the weight on"...
    Only you are responsible for what you eat. But if you are unhappy and stressing over it it can be causing you to hold onto unwanted poundage.
  • angelascott919
    I agree that it does have to do with both. Food is fun, comfortable, and there all the time. But I know from my own experience it was there when I needed something to comfort me and make my 'feel' good although with every bight I felt bad that I know it would end up being more extra weight that I didn't need. So through the depressing times and even some really good ones I ate to feel better and now that our life has evened out and I have really taken a look back on my life and my health I realize that I need to get rid of this and feel better so that my life will continue to be better and more fruitful and I will be happy and 'feel' better just knowing that I am loved by my husband no matter what I look like on the outside.

    This was a great question.

    Good Luck
  • bdnicholson80
    I thank you all for your responses. injuneer81 hit it on the spot, I think I need to work harder :) Good luck to all of you!