Should I take the risk...

ahadj Posts: 257 Member
Background: this summer I am working in a different city and subletting an apartment from my boyfriend's friend Alex who lived here but then moved, but still had some time left on his lease. He's not allowed to sublet, so it's on the DL, but he said they don't check and there's no way they would really find out.

So my issue is this: I've lived here for less than a week so far (out of the 3 months that I'll be here), and yesterday I got a newsletter under my door that said that the apartment complex's gym will be closed for renovations "until further notice," starting on June 11. Total bummer!! BUT, it also said that the apartment complex made a deal that residents can get a free 2 weeks at CrossFit. I've been wanting to try CrossFit, so it seemed perfect! But I'm scared if I go there, it won't be enough to just say "oh, I live at ___ Apartments, can I have my free 2 weeks" and that they'll want to run my name by the apartment people, which could be bad. I was thinking I could say that I'm Alex's girlfriend and I live with him, I'm just not officially on the lease? Or maybe have him call them or something?

Or should I just suck it up and deal with the no gym thing and run outside when I can? There's a really nice park nearby with a 3.75 mile loop. It's beautiful.

Anyway.... thoughts?


  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I wouldn't try and press your luck with that. It could mean trouble for the friend if the landlord finds out.
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    I agree, definitely would not try it. Could come back and btie you and Alex in the end. Then again, i'm not much of a risk taker. Goodluck