When *kitten* Happens you have to get back up...

Two months ago my DP paid cash for a new mini van for the family. This mini van was to replace the Lemon of a van we'd bought 4 years ago. The one we bought four years ago I treated like CRAP..it had soo many issues the fact it was hit by a deer, and been wrecked twice whie i was drive (once someone elses faught, another time I hit a pole) combined with the long list of mechanical issues I was counting down the days until the engine finally blew....and it DID!!!
When DP agreed on a replacement I was really happy that instead of buying himself a truck he'd chose to go with another minivan. We already had a second car, a car I absolutely ADORE (seriously if I'd known Saturns were so great I'd boughto ne a long long time ago).

Friday morning I was backign out of the drive when disaster struck. My step daughter is yelling at me to STOP she hadn't shut the door. TOO LATE!!! The door was deep in the srubs that line the drive way and I stop just in time for the door pop. I was in a REAL hurry so I jumped out of the car and slammed the door shut, only to realize the door didn't "Feel right." I told her not to open the door at school and use the sliding door. I got home and tried to open the door, only I bent the freaking FENDER...bent it. I was sooo upset but still in teh back of my mind how much could this little mishaps cost, and DEAR GOD I have to tell DP.
I go to two body shops for an estimate, and the price to fix this was ungodly expensive. One place told me $1500 and another told me $1000. I listened to both of these people tell me how I needed new stuff and they couldn't pull the dents or weld the door ect. I also knew the one price quoted was used door, and $350 on a used door was a crock of CRUD.
Most of the day friday I was really upset, I was told I could get out for under $900 if I went with "cheaper paint." Then it dawned on me to search the Junk yards in the area and I I struck Gold ...seriously I found a van the same color as mine in a junk yard and the parts I need are only $225. No PAinting, No BS from a body shop, just remove the old and installl (and lucky me I know a thing or two about that)
I told DP about it and he hasnt talked to me since Friday. Soo here I have a perfect solution to the problem and he doesn't want to hear it.

what does this all boil down to...I didn't work out Friday, and I didn't workout Yesterday. I was soo preoccupied with the fact I managed to damage a good vehicle less than two months after bringing it home. I'd like to blame the fact its a minivan....I ahve been driving a compact Wagon for the past 9 months with NO issues like what I have described LOL. Last night while sitting at the neighborhood pool I told myself that in the mornign NO MATTER What I will work out and eat a good breakfast...this afternoon I will do the other work out I missed...and just get b ack on track.

I have done that. I hope if anyone has crap that happens to them they are able to get back on the horse and just keep ridging....even if you have been kicked in the face and trampled.