new and looking for friends/support

denise4230 Posts: 82 Member
Hi everyone. I'm pretty new to MFP, started it a couple months ago, but never really got onto the blogs until recently. I am 47 and need to lose about 40-45 lbs (my goal is to get my BMI in the healthy target range and be physically fit more than it is a number) and I am looking for some friends that I can chat with/text for support. I work out fairly regularly ( trainer twice a week, karate twice a week) and during the day I'm good with staying on track with what I eat. My biggest problem is when I come home from work and want to just EAT. I work 3-12 hour shifts a week, so it's usually 9pm by the time I get home, which is a horrible time to be eating anything, let alone junk. Unfortunately, that's usually when my family is eating dinner. So, if there are folks out there who are looking for weight loss buddies, let me know


  • lc971
    lc971 Posts: 104 Member
    I knew you had to be a nurse, when I saw the three 12 hr. shifts. :)) Forty-eight year old RN with the same issue. It takes me an hour to get home, so it's usually 8:30pm by the time I'm eating dinner. I find if I eat an apple on my way home, I'm not as hungry. Feel free to add me. Lisa
  • 1DayMarathonRnner
    1DayMarathonRnner Posts: 120 Member
    I am the daughter of two nurses so I grew up being used to eating dinner at 8:30 at night. Having a snack may help with the eating? Feel free to add me if you like. Good Luck! I just joined last week and I am loving the support from here.
  • denise4230
    denise4230 Posts: 82 Member
    I usually try to time my dinner at work for around 6pm and then save something to munch on for the drive home, but it's like as soon as I walk through the door and my family is eating my brain says "time to eat". The worse part is when I eat that late like that I know how bad I will feel in the morning-I literally feel like last nights dinner is still sitting in my stomach.
  • virginies
    virginies Posts: 137 Member

    I'm not a nurse, but I commute 40 miles and it is often 7:30pm before I get to sit down for dinner...
    It is the hardest thing and I have the same problem. May be you should save the snack you eat on your way home and sit down with your family once you're home and eat the said snack instead of a full meal. You won't feel like your missing out on the wonderful quality time that is sitting down for dinner with your family, but you won't be over eating.
    Good luck!