big women



  • Arperjen
    Arperjen Posts: 108 Member
    By big I mean... Big. Size 11 shoe (I used to be a ten but that was before two kids), my hands are bigger than most guys, and I cannot ever wear heels at 5'8! Any of you who want support feel free to add me, I will help motivate you!

    Sounds about right. I have a size 10 shoe, a huge frame, broad shoulders, wide hips. I'm odd in that I weigh a lot more than I look. At my lightest when I was 17 (I was 150-155 and quite thin), my boyfriend (now-husband) swore I weighed 200 lb. :laugh:

    Heels have always sucked for me. Big ol' s***kicker boots, however, are always good.
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    Not at all. I'm an anomaly ... Just under 5'5, size 8. 189 currently. Down from 236, size 16. My goal is likely going to end up around 170, easy size 6. I eat above my BMR , under my TDEE and lift heavy.
    How did you tighten up so well to fit in a 6 at 170lbs? I'm 5,6 and 150 and still in a size 8/10 in jeans. Any tips would be much appreciated!

    I'm not there ..,, YET, but I will be. I'm in an 8 now @ 189. I've never been an 8. Smallest size previously was a 10 at 160.
    What do I attribute it to ? Things I've done differently this time. I'm strength training, very little cardio. My cardio is HIIT, and minimal. I've changed my food to better quality. Protein , healthy fats. Very few grain carbs. Very little processed. Minimal sweets. Berries and citrus my primary fruits. Has made huge diff for me. But ...heavy lifting. THAT is key. At least it has been for me. I'm blogging about it. I'm also studying nutrition and health coaching. I read a lot. A book Im finishing now validates what I've been trying to do based upon my experiences and research in terms of nutrition. I weight train 3 x week for 60 mins. Smarter Science of Slim is the book.

    In summary, for me: no low calories, quality food emphasizing protein and healthy fats and weight lifting
  • sitstaygimmeeakiss
    sitstaygimmeeakiss Posts: 130 Member
    I'm 5'8'' (I don't consider myself really tall...). My goal is the weight I used to be B.K. - Before Kids: 137lbs. Hopefully I'll get off my kiester soon & start doing strength exercises to tighten up these muscles that have been sitting in the background all these years.
  • Hi , Im 5'7 and 161pds , hoping to get to 150 or so.. I m working on becoming more active, love riding my bike now so that keeps me going. I just turned 62 and am feeling better now than I have for a long time. would love a new friend if your interested.