OMG Chocolate

It is everywhere today!!! How can I not give in when everyone is dropping Chocolate candy off at my desk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I put it in my desk drawer out of sight out of mind....Umm no I think not!! HELP!!!!!!


  • asmith1225
    It is everywhere today!!! How can I not give in when everyone is dropping Chocolate candy off at my desk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I put it in my desk drawer out of sight out of mind....Umm no I think not!! HELP!!!!!!
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    You are a strong person. You can do it. You have to make the choice, and stick to it. YOU CAN RESIST!
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    Throw it away! Throw it away! I saw chocolate truffles on our reception desk today. I pointed to them as I walked by and asked the receptionist "Why is there chocolate evilness here?" She just laughed. I was serious though. That's just wrong!
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566
    I know. I am eating my apple, but my thoughts are with the cake, cupcakes and chocolate in the breakroom! Will be a tough day.......
  • tjblack
    tjblack Posts: 122
    I know it's hard to pass up the chocolate. My 2 boys have it in the house to pass out with their v-day cards. Of course i had to buy some for them for v-day (very little). And now Grandma just told me that the boys will have a package in the mail today. Guess what Grandma sends???? But I've been very good. I've allowed myself one mini a day and it's worked out. If you have a piece it's okay, just dont over do. Add it to your calories and move on. It's only one day and hopefully all will be back to normal soon.
  • rheston
    rheston Posts: 638
    Or your other option is to eat the darn thing and put you both out of your misery.... except then you will enter a guilt phase that will last longer than the satisfaction of the moment when you ate it and probably well into the weekend!

    Donate it to some skinny person in the office who shouldn't be so fortunate and let them deal with the problem at their end. :devil:
  • asmith1225
    Thanks you guys are awesome!!!

    The skinny girl will not take it.....Umm maybe thats why she is skinny!!!

    I have added the Dove chocolate rose to my food diary going to savor every moment of it!!!
  • jswickard
    Having only 6 women in an office of 30 and getting chocolate from every angle is killing me. The temptation is to much. Then you remember dinner tonight and everything goes out the window. RESIST is all I can think about with mounds of chocolate around me!