feeling tired and sluggish...

Hello everyone,

I am trying to figure out why I am feeling so tired and sluggish today. I think it is because I have been working out so much. Making sure each bike run I go further in the same amount of time. I never really know how many miles I ride (did buy a bike meter yesterday to keep track) I just make sure I go further each time and get back home in the same amount of time. I wonder if I over did and that is why I feel today so burnt out. Today is the only day this week I did not go for a bike run. I woke up late today and just laid around the house. I did manage to take my kids to the park and try to play tennis and handball, but only lasted an hour. After that was so hungry I took them to a fast food place for a quick lunch. (I know, I know not good) I tried not to overdo it or let them either. Then we came home and crash I went. I finally got up to do a load of laundry and get on MFP for some help. I feel like I need the bike run to make me feel better right now. I just can't seem to get myself to go plus I know how important it is to let your body rest.

I am also looking for anyone in the ft. lauderdale area to go biking with to be able to push each other while riding.


  • cari4jc1
    cari4jc1 Posts: 233
    Sounds like you need to rest and also make sure you're eating enough calories to make up for all your activity. I know how hard it can be to just rest. I feel driven to workout everyday all the time, but have to talk myself out of it sometimes and remember that overdoing it is just counter productive.