Experiences with Mirena Coil?

catbrand Posts: 227 Member

I was wondering if anyone would be willing to share their experiences good or bad of the Mirena coil with me? I've been putting it off, but it seems that I'm going to have to get one and I'm wary. I've heard of issues of weight gain and some reports of emotional problems, both of which I've encountered from other medicines / contraceptives, which is why I'm wary of trying something I can't just stop taking. Unfortunately I think I need one as I'm unable to take the pill and have a progesterone deficiency which seems to be getting worse as I leave it untreated and my neurologist suggested I get the Mirena (yeah I know Neuros don't do contraception, we were on the subject though!)

Anyway, I know it's different for everyone, but some experiences would help me make up my mind as to whether to go for it or not.



  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    Personally, I would NEVER have a Mirena. My twin and another very close friend of mine both had major problems with Mirena. My sister had it rupture her uterus and travel to her hip bone. She had to have surgery to have it removed, and due to the scar tissue on her uterus, she has been advised to not have any more children. The recovery for her from the surgery was pretty painful.

    My very good friend had it, and still got pregnant. Then she had to wait two weeks to have it removed by her doctor. She was freaked out that she got pregnant with it inserted, and then spent the next few weeks fearing that it would harm her fetus/cause her to lose the baby.

    Personally, I would look for other options than use the Mirena. To women close to me with issues is two women too many for me to risk it, but that is my two cents. I bet many women have had wonderful experiences with it.
  • catbrand
    catbrand Posts: 227 Member
    Thanks for the reply. Wow, that sounds terrible having it rupture the uterus! I hope your twin and friend are OK now.

    I must admit, I've been reading the website and I've just seen that I may not be able to use it anyway because of the medication I am on. It's frustrating.

    Back to the drawing board I think.
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    They are both ok right now..... my twin is ok with not having more kids, but it's been a rough road to acceptance of that. My friend is not the happy mother of a one year old, and can't imagine not having her son in her life.

    Good luck finding something that works..............
  • CourtneyB610
    CourtneyB610 Posts: 384
    I currently have it. I've had it for about 2 years and recently I've been diagnosed with Poly cystic Ovarian Syndrome which was a result of the Mirena. I have had weight gain and my emotions are crazy sometimes. I personally wouldn't recommend it, but everyones body reacts different! Good luck, and I hope something works!
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    They are both ok right now..... my twin is ok with not having more kids, but it's been a rough road to acceptance of that. My friend is not the happy mother of a one year old, and can't imagine not having her son in her life.

    Good luck finding something that works..............

    I mean to say My friend is NOW the happy mother of a one year old and can't imagine not having her son in her life. Bad typo!
  • hdsqrl
    hdsqrl Posts: 420 Member
    I had a Mirena for the full 5 years and loved it. Insertion was pretty painful, and the subsequent 2 days were full of cramping, but after that, no pain at all. The first 6 months or so, I spotted very frequently, but once that all leveled off, the remaining time had 2-day periods that required nothing more than a pantyliner, no cramps, etc. Loved, LOVED it.

    After my 5 years ran out and I had it removed (hubby had a vasectomy rather than me getting a new Mirena), I went through what I discovered was a "Mirena crash" - awful depression, etc. that lasted a couple of weeks. If you get one, just be ready for some tumultuous body/mind issues at the beginning and the end. Hopefully the in-between parts will be great, though. :)
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I actually asked my doctor about the Mirena when I was looking for a long-lasting birth control method and she said no way. She told me that she only agrees to insert a Mirena into her patients if #1 they absolutely insist on it and #2 they are done having children. She just feels that the risks greatly outweigh the positives. I've heard horror stories, and I've also heard from women who are very happy with the Mirena, so it really depends on the person. I went with my doctor's recommendation.

    She recommended Implanon to me, which I've had now for almost 3 1/2 years (I'm on my second one, had it replaced this past January as they are good for 3 years). No weight gain (well, no weight gain directly due to Implanon, it was more due to eating crap and not working out lol), and I haven't had trouble losing weight on it (once I actually started trying). No crazy mood swings, no depression, etc. I have a period maybe once or twice a year, no cramping, and it's very light.

    Not everyone reacts the same way to different BC methods, but this one has been amazing for me. I'd talk to your doctor at length about all the options to figure out what would be best for you.
  • nibblypig
    nibblypig Posts: 27
    I've suffered for about 20 years with adhesions, ovarian cysts, fibroids - you name it, I had it - until I found a brilliant Consultant who sorted me out, he suggested I had a Mirena fitted which I did a year ago. I read a lot of negative articles about it and was a bit aprehensive but it's the best thing I've done, although I have noticed that I've put on 10lbs and am hungry all the time, I do get a bit ratty every so often but nothing a good rant won't sort out. It's the best thing I've done. I would just suggest trying it to see, everyone is different.
  • Lissakaye81
    Lissakaye81 Posts: 224 Member
    I have had mine for around 2 yrs. Its kind of a love/hate relationship. It was painful after insertion, every now and then I get horrible cramps. I thought everything was fine, but now I am realizing that problems I have been having are side effects. It has affected my sex life. Sometimes its painful, other times numb, so its hit and miss...ERRR. It also gives me pretty horrible constipation, and I have the worst random periods and spotting. Really inconsistant. I started growing whiskers on my chin. I am pretty sensitive to hormones. I was on Alesse 28 for a long time and loved it. This is my 1st IUC, and I am probably gonna have it removed. Dont think it is for me.
  • Heidi_M78
    Heidi_M78 Posts: 143 Member
    I had mine inserted at the same time as I had my second c-sect. 15 months later I had it removed. I still got tom and every month i turned into a CrAzY lady for 5 days during TOM, and the rest of the time I was just miserable. I eventually had it removed, which was so painful and uncomfortable as the strings had gone up a bit and my OBGYN struggled to get them. I nearly passed out afterward , and had to lie down for 10 minutes before they would allow me to leave.

    It has been out for 4 months and there is a noticeable difference with my moods. I am happier and more light hearted, and even though i still get emotional at TOM, I do not scream and shout and go all insane like I did for those 15 months.