What is your Exercise routine?

What is your Exercise routine? I'm really trying to make up one.


  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    What is your Exercise routine? I'm really trying to make up one.

    Are you pretty new to weight lifting?

    - "Starting Strength" - Mark Rippletoe
    - StrongLifts 5x5 - StrongLifts.Com

    - "5/3/1" - Jim Wendler
    - Westside for Skinny *kitten* 3 - http://www.defrancostraining.com/articles/38-articles/65-westside-for-skinny-*kitten*-part3.html
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Funny you mention this. I just jotted it down after doing it for this long

    Cardio (1 or mix of these):


    -Stationary Bike

    -Jumping ropes

    Calisthenics with 2x25 lbs dumbells where appropriate(all of them with different sets)

    1)sit on floor with legs apart and back perpendicular to the floor and punch air moving the hand towards the opposite leg (making you move your back/ab) This works out your abs, back, your thighs, your hands and shoulders and creates practice for punching. Important for boxing

    2) lay on the floor raising your back up so that your back is resting on your elbows. Raise the legs a bit. Start air biking

    3) repeat (1)

    4) pushups

    5) While lightly jogging in one place, punch air straight ahead


    7)Jumping Jacks

    8windmill: spread legs, try to touch the opposite feet with your hands

    9) 4way: Jumping Jacks with pause when the arms are paralell to the ground.

    10)while standing, raise one leg so your thighs are parallel to the ground and try to touch your opposite knees with elbow

    11) repeat (5)

    12) 2x rounds of shadow boxing

    13) Light weight lifting

    14)different crunches (regular, raise one leg, raise both legs up)
  • aimeerocksx3
    I try to run every other day right when I wake up, before it gets really hot. I do that for a good 2 miles, but should probably up the length soon... I'm also currently blasting my way through the 30 Day Shred with Jillian Michaels.

    After the 30 DS, though, I'm want to work through these videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/BeFitin90/featured
    It's a 90 day work out thing, all free, all online.
  • Jezebel9
    Jezebel9 Posts: 396 Member
    I do a series of what I call 'floor exercises' and I run and walk for exercise. The floor exercises are things like 2 or 3 sets of push ups, crunches, leg lifts, bicepts curls, arm lifts, lunges, squats, etc. I made up several of my exercises around physical therapy exercises to help strengthen certain areas of my body and to prevent injuries. I like it that it is free, I can do it any time. Good luck!
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    First I do is: walk around a lake 3 1/2 miles (6 days a week), than head to the gym, I do 40 mins. of treadmill, incline of 13 for about 15 mins. and than incline of 6 the rest of the time, at the speeds between 3.3-4.0 (6 days a week), than circut training (3 x's a week). :)
  • dward2011
    dward2011 Posts: 416 Member
    Walk at least 1 mile a day with my dog. 45-60 minutes of cardio at least 5 days a week. Strength training at least 3 days a week. Hike at least 4 miles once a week.

    This is my schedule 95% of the time, but there are days when I need to take it easy/rest (so I do so). My doctor and I came up with this weekly routine together (I am recovering from an injury).
  • gerard54
    gerard54 Posts: 1,107 Member
    bench press/incline


    tricep pulldowns

    lat pulldowns


    military press


    rowing machine if i have energy...
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    If you are working out at home:
    Some of you have been curious about my workout that I used to lose the initial 35+lbs at home. Well, it was 100% bodyweight based, no weights. I'll lay it out here:

    This is your basic 5 x 5 template. (To clarify, 5x5 is 5 reps x 5 sets. The idea is to work at a difficulty level where you could only do maybe 7-8 reps on the first set, and are struggling to finish 5 reps on the last set). You would do strength training 3 times a week, say Monday-Wednesday-Friday with the weekends off. These are done "lazy circuits" style, with about 1 minute rest between each set (I use a FT7 HRM and keep my heart rate over 140). The explanations of the exercises you'll use for each group are farther below.

    Workout A
    1A. Knee dominant - 5 x 5
    1B. Horizontal push - 5 x 5
    1C. Horizontal pull - 5 x 5
    2A. Ab - flexion - 3 x 5
    2B. Ab - static 3 x 30 seconds

    Workout B
    1A. Knee dominant - 5 x 5
    1B. Vertical push - 5 x 5
    1C. Hip dominant - 5 x 5
    1D. Vertical pull - 5 x 5
    2A. Ab - rotation - 3 x 5
    2B. Grip and neck training - 3 x varies

    Exercise Progressions - with regular weight training you can just add weight to the bar. With bodyweight progression is mostly about changing your leverage. These are just a few examples, I'm sure we could come up with dozens more if needed. You can always add resistance in the form of a weighted vest or backpack or resistance bands.

    Explanations of exercise in order of difficulty (easy-hard)
    1. Knee Dominant -- squats, lunges, step-ups, bulgarian split squats, unilateral bent leg deadlift, partial one leg squat, one leg squat, box or stair pistols, full pistols.
    2. Horizontal Push -- pushups, decline pushups, resistance pushups, side to side pushups, stair one arm pushups, negative one arm pushups, full one arm pushups.
    3. Horizontal Pull -- body row, resistance body row, negative one hand row, incline one hand row, full one hand row.
    4. Ab - flexion -- crunches, situps, resistance or incline situps, reverse situp, resistance or incline reverse situps, hanging knee or leg raise, hanging pikes, rollout from knees, rollout from feet, dragon flag. Also included are oblique moves like side lying crunches with or without resistance and side lying two leg raise.
    5. Abs- static -- 4 point prone bridge, 3 point prone bridge, 2 point prone bridge, 4 point supine bridge, 3 point supine bridge.
    6. Vertical Push -- pike pushup, hindu pushup, divebomber pushup, decline pike pushup, decline hindu pushup, decline divebomber pushup, one arm pike pushup, negative handstand pushup, handstand pushup with head touching floor, full handstand pushup.
    7. Hip Dominant -- supine hip extension, good morning, one leg stiff leg deadlift, split one leg good morning, one leg supine hip extension, hyperextension, one leg hyperextension, natural glute-ham raise.
    8. Vertical Pull -- jumping or assisted pullups, pullups, resistance pullups, side to side pullups, negative one hand pullups, one hand pullups. All these can refer to chinups or neutral grip pullups as well.
    9. Ab - rotation -- twist crunches or situps, resistance or incline twist crunches or situps, russian twists, lying windshield wipers, standing rope rotations, hanging windshield wipers.
    10. Grip and Neck Training -- for grip you can use handgrippers, deadhangs from a pullup bar (especially a fatbar or gripping a towel). For neck nothing beats wrestlers bridges. If you are involved in a striking martial art or sport, finger and fist pushups are very important also.

    None of these lists have to end here. If you get strong enough you can always add resistance to your full range of motion one limb exercise. Or if you can do more than 5 one hand pushups do decline one hand pushups, or start working on one hand hindu and then eventually one hand dive bombers, and so on.

    The nice thing about this routine is it scales dramatically depending on your fitness level. If you can't do even ONE regular pull up, you can scale it down and do assisted pull ups (legs on a chair), or ballistic pullups (where you jump to provide the initial momentum). It's actually easier to do properly when you're very unfit...because once you're healthy and strong...you're going to be searching for challenging enough exercises to only allow you 5 reps max by the finish of the 5 sets.

    If you have access to a gym...JNick77 gave excellent advice.