Not hungry, want to eat

How do I combat this? I'm really sorry if this has been discussed a billion times on this board already. But I'm not physically that hungry (though being under my calorie goal for the day, maybe I am). I've already snacked on fruit salad and I'm drinking water.

I guess I have to get out of this psychological rut of eating when I feel [insert any emotion here]. Sigh.

**just re-joined today. I had been really good about keeping track. and i had lost 20 pounds. But I'm back up now**


  • renee7733
    renee7733 Posts: 3
    Its okay to be under your calories but I think (not really sure...not a doctor) as long as you get 1200 in a will still loss weight and not send your body into starvation mode then you don't loss any weight.