This last darn pound!!!

paulkj Posts: 163 Member
I am 1 pound away from my goal and have been for the last 3-4 weeks.

I know that I shouldn’t focus so much on the scale, but I can’t help it. I just have to see the number so that I can say that I reached my goal and to have that sense of accomplishment.

Anyway, I can tell that I have made much progress from not only the way that I look but the way that feel and the way my clothes fit. Others can see the difference also. One of my coworkers told me that I have the First Lady’s arms. What a compliment that was. I also notice a more toned abdomen and firmer legs. After that, I am now beginning to think that maybe I have reached my goal as far as size and that the muscle I have gained is not letting me get to the number I want to see on the scale. I don’t have a tape measure and I threw away my “test” jeans that I used as a gauge about 6 months ago.

I work out just about everyday. I am beginning to train for my first 5k which will be in November. I zigzag my calories however, I never eat all of my exercise calories and I usually burn anywhere from 500-1000 calories per day depending on whether or not I go to the gym or work out with one of my exercise DVDs I have at home.

So, I haven’t decided whether to take a break from dieting (go into maintenance phase) and try in a couple of weeks or if I should accept that 1 pound and name it.

Anyway, I guess I just wanted to get other’s opinions and advice.

OK… enough of this ridiculous, whiny post. I am going back to work:tongue:


  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    Man, have you got a great problem!!! I'd give anything to be where you are. Maybe you could give yourself permission to enjoy the pounds and inches you have lost.
    You are sure to lose this last pound. You know how to do it!!! In the meantime, enjoy your past success!!! You've done a great job with your diet and fitness level. It's inspiring. Congratulations!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Congratulations on being that close to your goal. If being not quite at your goal keeps motivating you too continue on keeping so fit and healthy, its not really a bad thing.
  • frogtoestoo
    Created by - Calorie Counter

    Congratulations! I have hit a plateau about every 10 lbs, the longest was about 10 days. Every time I get past one and start losing again, my husband tells me, "See, you're doing great, and I don't want to hear you whine the next time you hit a plateau." Unfortunately for him, I still do! I understand the need to SEE that pound gone, but try not to dwell on it and enjoy those first lady arms!
  • paulkj
    paulkj Posts: 163 Member
    Thank you all for your supportive responses! It really helps alot when you get frustrated.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • mrsbeck
    mrsbeck Posts: 234 Member
    Ior if I should accept that 1 pound and name it.

    Sorry, but that right there made me laugh. :flowerforyou:

    I think that if you're working as hard as you say you are, you have probably gained enough muscle to make a number on the scale irrelevant. Enjoy having a strong healthy body, and don't get hung up on reaching a certain number. You're just more dense now. :tongue:
  • paulkj
    paulkj Posts: 163 Member
    Same thing I was thinking....

    I shall accept it and not obsess over it.

  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    considering I go between 178 and 185 depending on the day, I would say that you should just keep trying out different scales until you find one that takes the pound off, either that or hold on to something while you step on it, then say you lost the last pound, and never think about it again. Seriously, it's a pound, I lose more than that when I "AHEM" I'll stop there.
  • paulkj
    paulkj Posts: 163 Member
    considering I go between 178 and 185 depending on the day, I would say that you should just keep trying out different scales until you find one that takes the pound off, either that or hold on to something while you step on it, then say you lost the last pound, and never think about it again. Seriously, it's a pound, I lose more than that when I "AHEM" I'll stop there.

    I know I should just let it go, but being this close to my goal its like this last pound is just there to taunt me.

    Maybe I ought to "AHEM" more often.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: