Special treats - yes or no???



  • barney50501Missy
    Sometimes I'll allow myself a big treat once or twice a week ie. dinner out at a restaurant or a bag of chips or something.
    I try to eat healthy all day everyday but if I'm craving something and if I can't get rid of that craving within about an hour, I just eat it but a smaller portion than I used to.
    Some people have the willpower to eat well all the time but I've come to realize I'm just never going to be that kind of person who can munch on lettuce all day. I love my carbs and my fat. I just try my best to limit my portions now rather than deny myself of it all together.

    I'm with you sister! :drinker:
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    I regularly have lots of calories left over from my "daily goal" ... so I don't mind a treat here and there. Just account for it ... and eat it in moderation! :)
  • parkermegan
    parkermegan Posts: 167
    My treats for now are a jell-o cheesecake (the pre made ones) or a weight watchers candy (very good!!) once I am at my goal weight then I will start just maintenance so I will allow myself more normal treats (whatever I want) once a week or so. I will definitely work it off though!
  • bmalone62
    bmalone62 Posts: 57 Member
    As long as I stay within my calorie limit for the day I'll eat it.
  • ksstei
    ksstei Posts: 13
    I have to give myself a "cheat/spike/treat" day once a week. Sometimes a day + 1 meal a week. I typically try to even it out with working out extra. At the very least I would try to make up for the cheat meal. If I go hardcore strict, I know I cannot stay on the path and will get off the track.

    I plan to have my spike day tomorrow where I will most likely eat 1,000 calories more than I usually do. I will probably burn that 1,000 calories either tomorrow or day after and even it out
  • ksstei
    ksstei Posts: 13
    Thank you, thank you, thank you! I have a family event coming up tomorrow and my husband and I were quite concerned that I couldn't work a lot of things into my goals for the day, but I will moderately enjoy myself and compensate later! LOVE the support I find on these boards! :happy:
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    I do a rest day around once a week where I eat between my calorie goal and maintenance. I also have whatever 'treats' I can afford within my calorie goals the rest of the week.
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    treats?? yes please!
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    Yes I do. If I totally deprive myself, I get derailed. I bought a few mini cupcakes at the store when I got my weekly grocery order...they are 100 calories each. So I might have one as a treat....only one. I am keeping the rest in the freezer and when I have the calories to spend, I will thaw another one out.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Of course you should have birthday cake to celebrate with your son - just pay attention to how much you have, and resist the temptation to polish off any that is left after the party.

    I don't think any food should be off limits, learning to eat a moderate portion and then walk away is a really healthy thing to do and the best way to set up good habits that will keep you at a healthy weight for a lifetime.
  • gayje
    gayje Posts: 230 Member
    not only do i allow myself treats, i plan them regularly into my diet. that way, i can choose to have it or not and it's always the very last thing i eat. oh, there have been a very few occassions that i've actually "planned" to have a honkin' bowl of dolled up icecream for lunch or dinner rather than a normal meal, however, i work like a dog the day before, day of and the day after just to feel okay about that choice. if you don't satiate your craving every once in awhile you will fall off the wagon.

    and besides...it's DQ ICE CREAM CAKE for crying out loud! and your sons birthday? i say eat it. and happy b-day to him too.
  • susanp15
    susanp15 Posts: 25 Member
    I give myself treats every day. Sometimes it's wine. Sometimes it's extra nuts. Sometimes it's something else. This is life.

  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    Everything in moderation!
    I used to be obsessed with eating healthy all the time and it just makes you want to give up!

    Always treat yourself, even if it's just a slightly bigger portion of your favourite meal/snack or a glass of your favourite drink! :) As long as it fits into your calorie goal you will be fine! :)
  • Back2Basic
    Back2Basic Posts: 69 Member
    I look at it this way. Will I be able to maintain my new lifestyle for the rest of my life? Because I know that it's not just an isolated event that caused me to put on weight. If I just diet, then go back to eating "normally" I'll put it right back on.
    This time, I've been successful at losing the weight. Why? Because I'm not dieting. I'm not depriving myself. I go out to eat, snag yummy treats when they really taunt me. It really is moderation. And after a bit, you'll realize that brownies taste even better if you eat one instead of half the tray. Junk food will go back to being a "treat" like it was when you were a kid, instead of something you eat all the time.

    So, celebrate, and enjoy the party. If you have the time, work out a little extra that day. If not, make up for it the next. Try to eat a large, healthy meal before you go, so that you will not be as hungry when the treats are in front of you.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I incorporate desirable foods into my diet on a regular basis but I make sure to fit them into my daily allocation of calories and macronutrients.

    For example, if I want to eat a double cheeseburger, I may have to plan the rest of my day VERY carefully (especially when cutting) so that I can fit that food item into my intake and still reach my protein target while not going over on cals.

    Now since I enjoy eating massive piles of food, I don't eat many calorie dense items regularly. I do however, allow them on occasion because on principle, I don't believe in arbitrary food elimination.
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    Since I am not on a diet I have whatever I want, I just make sure it will fit within my calorie goals.

    ^^This^^ I don't keep myself from eating anything, i just portion it differently than I used to. If i restrict myself then I will get sick of salad and binge on junk. I maintain a healthy balance of the good-for-you foods and the junk food I love so much
  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    Live. Enjoy. With a little self control treats should be part of a healthy diet. I'm not as strict about my diet as some though and I wont go slave on the machines to make up for transgressions.
  • neaneawy
    neaneawy Posts: 146 Member
    Life still needs to happen. Yes, I eat treats at least weekly. I had cake at my kids and my own birthday. I just work out more to burn it off. If exercise doesn't happen on a party day I make sure I try to carry over a deficit from the previous day or the next day to make it up. If you don't find a way to allow for your favorites the weight loss will be difficult to maintain long term. My one rule for treat days though, I NEVER go over my maintenance cals in a day.