Are any of you big in the middle but normal everywhere else?



  • stillthesamegirl
    stillthesamegirl Posts: 112 Member
    Im THE EXACT same! and I'm italian! hahah
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    Not me... real small on the top but big on the bottom. Pear.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I am too. That's why I picked this username. lol

    After losing 35lbs, my stomach is still the only place I have left to lose fat. I'm starting to look too thin around my neck and arms but there's this belly down there yet. Ugh! It's frustrating. I just keep on logging, keep on moving and praying that someday it'll be smaller. I've lost about 9 inches off it so I can't complain, I just thought it would be gone by now! I've lost a total of 32 inches everywhere, including the 9 so I'll just keep working at it.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Pretty common problem especially among males. Males tend to gain in the abdomen first and females in the hips. Of course some of you lucky ladies get more of the mid section like us guys. Really, ab crunches tighten the muscles and that helps but just losing down to where you need to be and it will eventually balance out... Belly is likely the last to go.. . Hate to bring bad tidings but seems to be the way it works.
  • jthm777gir
    jthm777gir Posts: 1
    Yup, same issue. All my weight is gained in my mid section/chest. I hate it, I think I'd be much more comfortable with my body if my weight was evenly distributed. I'm not sure what your stance on soda/coffee is, but I know whenever I cut that stuff out completely (as well as flour & salt) I slim down almost instantly because I'm no longer bloated. Good luck with your weight loss :)
  • mom2mozart
    mom2mozart Posts: 307 Member
    My belly is far bigger than anywhere else on my body. I've lost 29 pounds, am comfortably in a healthy BMI, wearing a size 8 pants, and still have a disproportionately large belly... My legs, hips and butt would easily fit in a size 6 - it is just my belly holding me back... Thinking I'll need to lose another 15 or 20 pounds if I want to eliminate the belly completely. It is frustrating. I'm doing strength training, yoga, pilates, walking and the elliptical... I've lost a considerable amount from everywhere, but the belly is the last to go...
  • lovelee79
    lovelee79 Posts: 362
    Sometimes it irritates me. My legs aren't that fat, and my hips aren't that big. My arms aren't massive, but they need toning. But my stomach is where most of my weigh is!! are any of you like that too? What are some of your secrets you use to slim down?

    Yup!! I feel like you described me completely. I just hate it, & would love to know some secrets too !
  • Jezebel9
    Jezebel9 Posts: 396 Member
    What are some of your secrets you use to slim down?

    My torso was big... I mean, I carried fat everywhere, but my mid section was just BIG. Why? I thought it could be cortisol (a result of major depression/stress/anxiety and chronic pain) ~and/or~ gluten. I stopped eating gluten and my torso shrunk! From a large to a medium in a few weeks. I did not lose any weight, I just shrunk.
    I do have a secret way of treating the depression and cortisol issues- it is on my profile page. But to avoid the suspense: I use medical cannabis to treat back pain and depression (doctor prescribed in my state, USA)... and despite the common misconception, cannabis has a long term effect of regulating all natural body systems. The long run effect is that it treats those internal conditions which cause obesity.
    I am now able to exercise and lose weight.
    I was not able to do this before.

    I wish you the best.
  • TXPaul
    TXPaul Posts: 74 Member
    That's me. That's one of the reasons I'm here but I'm working on it.
  • PhenomeNae
    PhenomeNae Posts: 130 Member
    *cries* i have found my people!

    No, but really, i have the same problem... the tight jeans with the baggy legs... ugh. i hate it.
  • Missi3601
    Missi3601 Posts: 264
    bump.... I've always been told my legs dont match my body....
  • Ariberri9
    Ariberri9 Posts: 206 Member

    I have a beer belly, but I'm skinny and muscular everywhere else. I've had a ton of belly and side shrinkage since I started MFP. My exercise regimen has changed over the months, so here is a synopsis to the best of my memory:

    STAGE 1: THE BEGINNING (Monday through Friday)

    Walk on an increasing uphill incline with increasing speed for 35 minutes. I begin at 3.4 miles per hour with a 2% grade. The highest I go is 4.2 miles per hour with a 8% grade.

    Three sets of 30 working the following muscle groups: inner thighs (45 pounds of weight); biceps (35 pounds); triceps (35 pounds); pectoral muscles (25 pounds)

    Three sets of 40 crunches on a slanted sit-up bench (downward angle for fuller range of motion)

    STAGE 2: MIXING IT UP (Monday through Friday)

    Walk on an increasing uphill incline with increasing speed for 35 minutes. I begin at 3.4 miles per hour with a 2% grade. The highest I go is 4.2 miles per hour with a 8% grade.
    Three sets of 30 jump ropes after strength-training and abs. Then, use 5-pound hand weights and do three sets of 50 punches.

    Three sets of 30 working the following muscle groups: inner thighs (45 pounds of weight); biceps (35 pounds); triceps (35 pounds); pectoral muscles (25 pounds)

    3 sets of 30 bicycle crunches.

    STAGE 3 (Current Stage): THE SHRED (Monday through Friday)
    Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred

    I've decreased my carbs, increased my protein and fat, and don't eat back my exercise calories unless they put my net calorie intake below 1200. I set my diet profile to "lose 1/2 pound per week" since I'm focusing on inches, not weight. You can check my diary for more food ideas. Also, NO DRINKS EXCEPT WATER and VERY LITTLE CHEATING.

    Here is a photo I took 10 weeks into my life change. I took this before I began the Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred:


    Hope this helps! Best of luck. :drinker:
  • audtod
    audtod Posts: 12 Member
    oh that's hilarious, your gran must be a hoot:laugh:
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    YES!! I find this so frustrating but I thought when I lost weight I would just lose my middle and be slimmer in middle!

    I did go from 48" around abdomen to 34 " (waist from 38" to 30 ") but can't seem to get any lower I was focusing on middle so wasn't expecting to get as much loss on top as my boobs also shrunk from 40 to 34! and my neck and face is thinner which I think it makes me look older :sad: (43 in 10 days!)

    My thighs are slimmer than they were originally which I'm pleased about but my tummy area is still a little doughy and soft. I was told a 'doughy abdomen' is common with chronic hypothyroidism (had it since birth) so I don't think at this age and level of mobility (wheelchair user) I will get any lower than a 14 in trousers in now as they need to be comfy as I'm sat all day. I was also told my another wheelchair user part of it could be 'quad belly' as those muscles no longer get used to the same extent as been in chair since 2005, in which case I'd never get rid of it completely either.

    I've been losing weight and exercising for a year and around abdomen is still biggest area in comparison with rest of the body (which I wasn't expecting to shrink as well) :ohwell:
  • wedjul05
    wedjul05 Posts: 472

    My legs are skinny (being 5ft8 helps also), arms fine. It's all my mid-section, literally from under my boobs to my hips. I don't have wide hips either.

    It's very frustrating.
  • empteeclips
    I too have the dreaded midsection coupled with no *kitten* syndrome..... giving me perpetual plumber butt.....

    Good Luck to all of us!!!
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    *raises hand* :(

    Wish I could find/get tips!!
  • queenbcronen
    queenbcronen Posts: 158 Member
    Here too... my problem is that I have NO waist. Even when I was thin. I literally have MAYBE a one inch space between the bottom of my ribs and the top of my hip bones. It's HORRIBLE. then I had a bad c-section on top of it so I have never been able to get my waist at least down to what it was prior to having my daughter. It's so horrible. But I have to live with it. :(
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Yep. My legs and arms are skinny, to the point where I look too thin,. but I carry all my excess fat round my middle. This is why I'm focussing on strength training to hopefulloy increase / retain size on the limbs and running for cardio (i know a lot of runners and they all tell me it flattened their midsections out).

    At the moment i look like an apple with cocktail sticks stuck in it.

    thanks heavens for girdles.
  • sel254
    sel254 Posts: 273 Member
    I'm still trying to figure it out myself so no tips I'm afraid, but you just described me completely!