Apple cider Vinegar?

Okay so I've been hearing alot lately how apple cider vinegar is a great weight loss tool. If you drink it before everymeal or something it helps burn fat/ speed up your metabolism. Is this true? If it is why havent I heard this earlier! ..and why isnt everyone taking it!!? haha. Any thoughts/opinions from anyone??


  • bakergirl62
    bakergirl62 Posts: 248 Member
    I don't use it, but I did find this interesting:
  • belldandy1
    belldandy1 Posts: 264 Member
    I kind of hope that it is not true because apple cider vinegar is DISGUSTING! I used to have a vocal coach that had me drink it. Yuck. It supposedly cleared the flem from your throat so you could sing without cracking, and prevented colds and sinus infestions. I don't know if those claims are true either.
  • GuitarJohn
    GuitarJohn Posts: 64 Member
    That may be why it is such a great weight loss tool. You drink it, it kills your appetite, viola!
  • Brenna
    Brenna Posts: 126 Member
    Very interesting... So, I googled it:)

    Check ou this site:
  • Changeisgonnacome
    I tried it many moons ago and it didn't do anything really, except give me heartburn. :ohwell:
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    "Whichever way you take it, don't expect a rapid weight loss, the weight will be lost gradually, as it should be to allow the body's fat cells to adjust to their new size."

    Hmm - isn't that what healthy eating, not overeating and exercising does anyway, if you take apple cider vinegar or not? Or is that just the little cynic inside me? :devil:
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    It comes in pill form I believe if you don't wanna drink it.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I tried it both in liquid form and pill form after I read allll of the amazing things it supposedly does. I took it to potentially eliminate my acid reflux. Yah right. lol

    I think a lot that you hear about apple cider vinegar is hype. It did nothing positive for me.
  • stef_e_b
    stef_e_b Posts: 593
    My father in law drank apple cider vinegar and he lost 80 pounds in a year. Granted he gained 40 of it back 5 years later and he ate well while he was taking the cider. I bought the pills and tried it and it did nothing for me.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    I take a teaspoonful after every meal. I can't say it is a fat burner, but it is full of antioxidants and has KILLED my cravings for sweets. That in itself is reason enough for me to keep taking it.

    IF you choose to take vinegar, be sure to do it immediately before or after eating to prevent stomach upset. And get the kind that has "mother" in it. I use Braggs Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

    If you really want to know all about it go to


    "There have been several studies which show that apple cider vinegar helps balance blood sugar levels. This may be the result of apple cider vinegar's ability to lower the glycemic index of a meal, which prevents blood sugar spikes. This could influence weight loss, especially for people who are insulin resistant or diabetic.

    - One study indicated that taking a small amount of apple cider vinegar before mealtimes helped improve satiety levels and could prevent overeating.

    - Although apple cider vinegar is acidic, it actually helps balance the acidity in the body by helping it become more alkaline. Some experts suggest that this can support weight loss.

    - One 2006 study suggested apple cider vinegar may have properties that lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels. These same properties could help you lose fat weight.

    - Apple cider vinegar can fight candida. If you have candida overgrowth, you may crave more carbohydrates and sugar, which could be undermining your weight loss efforts. Eliminating candida may help you lose weight.

    Aside from weight loss support, apple cider vinegar has many other health benefits. Daily apple cider vinegar intake can help with free radical damage, arthritic pain, high blood pressure, and acid reflux. It's a decent source of potassium and calcium. Apple cider vinegar also has strong anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties.

    So, even if apple cider vinegar can't promise overnight weight loss, it can still support a healthy lifestyle conducive to weight loss. With all the associated health benefits and the possibility of weight loss, it certainly can't hurt to add apple cider vinegar to your daily regimen. "