Girls only

I HATE TOM!!!!!! All I eat is junk food and I feel like I totally lose all self control. Today I ate breakfast, then-no joke- probably had 10 chocolate chip cookies throughout the 9 hours since breakfast. Needless to say, I will spend the rest of the day WORKING OUT! and not eating... hopefully. Ugh i get totally apathetic toward my health at this time of the month and lose all motivation to make healthy decisions.. Anyone else have these problems or ideas to deal with it better?


  • Kanderson47
    Kanderson47 Posts: 110 Member
    OH I love to make chocolate chip cookie dough DURING this time and eat, eat and eat it.........:explode:
  • countindowntothin
    countindowntothin Posts: 201 Member
    if you can take your mind off the craving for 5 minutes they say you will lose the craving......or simply get rid of all the junk food so you don't have to have willpower........that's what I did! :bigsmile:
  • Bella151
    Bella151 Posts: 123
    OMG! I am the SAME WAY during my TOM! I hate it. I can always tell when aunt flo is coming to town, because I find myself craving junk, junk, junk. If you do crave things like chocolate- try Hershey's Natural Dark Chocolate- it will satisfy your sweet tooth, and has some added health bonuses too (antioxidants anyone?) Plus, it is relatively low in calories for one serving.
  • krisloock
    krisloock Posts: 29 Member
    I hear ya! I am just getting over that lovely feeling myself. I get cravings for chocolate, cheese, and of course the yummy salties (pretzels are a fave) but I try to distract myself or get the healthier versions if possible (lowfat cheese, etc). If that doesn't work, I make sure I measure out exact portions so I don't overdo (had to have a TBSP of chocolate chips last night!) and just get over it...I think I read somewhere that one's metabolism is slightly higher during this time and that's one of the reasons we are hungrier. Hmmm, that makes me feel better!
  • sbartlett0421
    That is excatly how I feel today! Only, I'm craving gummy bears. Gummy Bears, really? I feel like I am a bottomless pit today. I'm actually staying late at work so I don't go home and EAT while I wait for my hubby to come home.
  • hammersshells
    Yes! I too am approaching my TOM and I know it because all I could think about for lunch was fast food french fries, cheeseburger and a chocolate shake. (However, I managed to drive past my favorite places and eat a healthy lunch at home). But it was HARD. And last night I was not so strong and caved in for some mexican food--oodles of cheese and grease. It's like the sensible me who is doing so great all month totally disappears, and is replaced by a savage! I'm pretty sure I will have that shake before this day is over...:sick:

    I can say that this site has helped me avoid MANY urges, though. When I think it through, I realize I do NOT want to see how many calories it will be when I log in. MFP definitely helps keep me more accountable than I have ever been in my life up to this point. So, thank you MFP!
  • fitzio1015
    fitzio1015 Posts: 168
    boy i must be lucky....the only thing i crave dureing that time is to spend money.....its gets so bad i actually bought a dog cuz i couldn't find any shoes or clothes i liked and my tattoo artist was closed....needless to say my hubby takes all credit cards off of me about a week before
  • Shanta1983
    Shanta1983 Posts: 1,228 Member
    ugh......dat times suck man
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Hormones. :mad:

    It sucks that at least one week of every month we have to struggle extra hard to keep our eating in check. I read that there is a slight rise in metabolism during that time which makes us feel a little more hungry, and we, in particular, crave sweets. No big surprise there.

    I just ride it doesn't seem to affect overall weight loss, so maybe allow yourself a few extra calories on those days.

    You're not the only one who goes crazy with the cookies. I stayed at my mother's for 2 nights and ate 10 cookies both nights. I don't keep them in the house, and I was a little shocked how crazy I went when they were available to me. Scary.
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    You know this is the first time in years I haven't had really bad cravings during my TOM. I think it is because I'm eating right and the fact that I eat a fat free choc. pudding cup daily!!!
  • jyynnie
    jyynnie Posts: 10 Member
    I'm having the exact same problem, I'm already over on my calories for the day, and craving ferociously white chocolate baking squares, with salt and vinegar chips for a balance of salty and sweet, then maybe some ice cream to finish it off. The only good thing is that I have none of the above in my house, but if I even mention the craving to my husband he will run out to get me it.. ahhh
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    ugh me too!!! i am craving everything, back is killing me and I'm supposed to do my long run tomorrow. I am hoping I can suck it up and run through it but a big part of me just wants to curl up in bed with a heating bad on my back, belly ... well pretty much whole body :laugh: