it meeeeeeeee here

earndien Posts: 195 Member
hi looking for people to help me on my life journey on losing weigh........
i am lucky enough to be doing my passion, photographer but i feel a little stuck
and embarress in the way i look..... i am short and over weight (195.99), even though
my husband loves my body and even if i lose 5 kilos he tell me i too skinny for him... as for me
i cant even stand looking in the mirror, but it now half of the year, and i trying to lose weigh in winter
for summer in december but i need people to motivate me and if i losing grip to kick me in the
*kitten* to tell me to pull my sock up.... so add me plz... and we can start a journey together......


  • 6hourwalks
    6hourwalks Posts: 44 Member
    Hey, add me for support and encouragement :)

