I just cant get motivated to work out like i use too! I have some DVD's flirty girl fitness they really work I feel it the next day! I just cant seem to get up and run walk jog keep a routine :( I mean its 118 outside so it kills me any ideas on how to motivate myself??


  • Shinemaria
    Shinemaria Posts: 107 Member
    I know how you feel. I don't know how to get that back....the only reason i ever started this whole weight loss thing was an "i'll show THEM" attitude when my family started talking about how we were all SO overweight....i wanted to be the exception. the flirty girl fitness works? ive been seeing the commercials.
  • kankan213
    kankan213 Posts: 105
    my motto:

    If I would have started running/working out when I thought about starting, I'd be finished by now!

    That usually gets me off of my butt, and by the time I get going I get in the mood!
  • estherguas
    estherguas Posts: 113 Member
    Honestly I have the same problem getting motivated too!!! I live in Florida and it is not only HOT but HUMID... I started looking on craigslist and I found a treamill for $100 and it's a great treadmill. I'm not going to lie and say that I use it everyday.. (I'm still working on that) but the fact that I have it at home indoors and facing a television I would say that I have increased my activity level from Zero to about 20% which may not seem like much but I think that some excersize is better than no excersize.
    I'm still a work in progress.
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Easy Calorie Counting
  • tayner
    tayner Posts: 372
    motivation is the hardest part, for almost everyone i think. I think the biggest key is to find something you enjoy. For me i spent weeks and weeks at the start of my lifestyle change doing the elliptical, treadmill, stationary bike.. hated every minute of it, it was all I could do to make myself go three days a week....

    Then, I found spinning. I go spinning 5 and sometimes 6 days a week. I love the music, the instructor motivation, the group fitness atmosphere... it motivates me so much more than doing something alone in my house..

    shoot, I cant lie.. ive owned numerous pieces of fitness equipment over the years that became places to hang clothing and collect dust.... I am inherently lazy by nature, so working out at home just does not, and never will, work for me.

    Spinning works for me.. find something, anything you enjoy, that will work for you. we are all different, but I think that is the key to continued motivation.
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    You should try mixing up your exercise. A friend of mine was using an intensive program that changed the workout each day. It "confuses" the muscles so your muscles don't adjust to just one workout. I started using this premise last month and it seems to be working. I will do a walking tape (yes, vhs is still out there), dance dvd, wii fit, water aerobics and CURVES. Though I haven't lost a ton of weight I am firming up. It is always hot where I live so I try to exercise in the morning but not toooo early. It's summer!:blushing: