Fast food after being on a healthy diet...



  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    Well, I'm glad I dislike the feeling of eating unhealthy stuff as opposed to liking it as before! Keeps me eating healthy stuff.

    Things like brand toast with organic peanut butter doesn't make me feel bad, I guess since it's the good fats.

    MMMMMM toast with PB is so yummy. Ive started having stuff like that with a cup of tea in lieu of sweets
  • 4leggedmom
    4leggedmom Posts: 43 Member
    I went to a friends place for a bbq yesterday. I was very proud of myself for only having a hamburger patty with a litte sauteed onion and mushroom and a few roasted potatoes and carrots. Well, although it is not fast food, I am still paying for it this morning.

    Guess my body don't like even the smallest amount of greasy food after eating so healthy. I might add that the patties were those frozen cheap hamburger patties. Who even knows what is in them.
  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    I confess. I never fully gave up fast food to lose weight. I probably would have lost weight faster than I have but eh, I enjoy a Burger King veggie burger with a load of onion or a slice or two of Pizza Hut veggie lovers once in a while. I can make myself feel icky if I over eat such high fat load items though so it's best not to make a pig of myself.
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    I had my first naughty moment in 2 months yesterday by eating a reece's PB cup, some m&ms and a kinder surprise 2 hours before spin class yesterday.

    I thought I was going to puke halfway. Haven't felt physically ill in a bad way during a workout in months and months. Not to mention I had legitimate tummy troubles afterwards, lol.

    Oh also when i went to chinese for my cousin's birthday. Wow did my stomach hurt all night, and i didn't even overeat it or anything!
  • jaxandmaksmom
    jaxandmaksmom Posts: 262 Member
    i went to a friends place this weekend.. they had chinese food and being stupid i allowed the ohh the little bit wont be bad convince me to have some.. needless to say.. i am bloated and felt like crap since.. it was like a hangover from the crap..
  • ash12783
    ash12783 Posts: 82 Member
    My sister is into the healthy eating lifestyle so when i went back home to visit last week, i stayed at her house mostly and ate what she ate... i got some things like hot pockets to keep on hand bc i felt like i was starving at her house...every night it was one vegetable with baked chicken.... it was like a shock from my bad eating habits.... when i made it back home last sunday night , my bf and I went and got a burger.... not even 30 minutes afterward my stomach was hurting..... and that was it for me.... since then i haven't really wanted anything bad... just been eating fresh fruits and veggies and some chicken. I can already tell I feel a lot better!