600Cal/Day Burn HEEEEELLLPPPP!!!



  • kparks2
    kparks2 Posts: 121 Member
    I don't think it is unrealistic but I am not a personal trainer nor doctor. I know I always burn at least 700 or cals a day at my gym but that is because I cannot live on 1250 cals per day and I need more net cals.
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    I can easily burn 600 calories in an hour or an hour and a half....

    but I'm confused why you're trying to burn a lot. it is your net that matters.

    If you NET your BMR, you should be losing a pound or two a week, depending on your TDEE.... you should NEVER only eat 1200 calories a day and then try to burn a crazy amount.

    THAT is why you aren't losing anymore.
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    If yor BMR is 1500, thats the minimum you should be eating.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    Hi, so I've come to the dreaded plateau where my intake is at it's lowest (1200/day) and my BMR is only like 1500 and change. At this rate my weight loss is only like 2lbs a month. I want to make it 1.5-2lbs a week by adding more exercise.

    With that said and the math done I need to burnr roughly an additional 600/cal per day! Is this even realistic without losing my mind??? Anyone at that level of BURN? If so please send suggestions. I am a fulltime mom and account analyst for the hospitals clinical lab so in short my time is limited except maybe saturdays. Any high impact short time suggestions?

    thanks :-)

    An hour's running will burn 600 calories or more per hour.
    One hour of continuous swimming (breaststroke) will burn 600 calories.
  • allisonrozsa
    allisonrozsa Posts: 178 Member
    You don't seem that heavy, so trying to burn 600 cal/day might be more than your body can handle (on a regular basis). Try for 1-1.5 lbs loss per week and see how that works (just lowering it a little bit might get your body to regulate a little better).
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I burn 600-700 calories doing a 30 minute circuit plus 30 minutes on the arc trainer.
  • erneseeter
    erneseeter Posts: 22
    Climbing stairs is BY FAR the quickest burning thing that I do - so if you are short on time but want a good burn I say head for the stair well! I work in a 34 story building and can now do the whole building up and down in about 13 minutes. AND it burns about 175 calories! I usually do about 30 minutes of circuit training after (40 seconds on 20 seconds off) of various different kettlebell swings, squats, lunges, pushups, skipping,etc. My general workout is about 45-50 minutes and I usually burn between 500-600 calories. Quick and efficient if you can go hard and have other places you'd rather be than the gym for hours a day!
  • MDyck1979
    MDyck1979 Posts: 21
    This brings me to my favorite topic as of late - if you're planning on doing something extreme re: serious caloric reduction, huge caloric burn, taking up-skydiving, etc., please consider the following:


    If you wanna look for advice to AUGMENT the instructions of your doc, by all means, post away...
  • sdavis448
    sdavis448 Posts: 193 Member
    swimming is a great way to burn calories.
  • kaddydaddy
    kaddydaddy Posts: 60 Member
    If you can swing $100 or so bucks, I'd recommend a stationary bike. You don't have to do anywhere, and you can put it in front of the TV so you can catch your shows at the same time!

    I've been riding mine like a manic for 60 minutes and burning a TON of calories! I start my day off with it, so my metabolism is more elevated during the day; also beats a cup of coffee for a wake up!
  • jamiedees
    jamiedees Posts: 2
    do the treadmill on a 15% incline at 3.5 mph...you will burn 200cals a mile...that being said you could be done in 45 minutes...whooo hooo!!!
  • I've heard that KETTLEBELL workouts BURN BURN BURN!!!! Maybe do a google search for that & read about it. It works your entire body & is reported to burn even more than boot camp, running, stairs, etc.
  • avaraysmommy
    avaraysmommy Posts: 3 Member
    Just did day 1 of Jillian Michaels 30 day shred im having mixed emotions...I'm sure i almost died but yet im smiling and feeling 10 times better that I made it through lol id recomment it :) quick and you really feel it :)
  • DanielleRN8
    DanielleRN8 Posts: 409
    Hi, so I've come to the dreaded plateau where my intake is at it's lowest (1200/day) and my BMR is only like 1500 and change. At this rate my weight loss is only like 2lbs a month. I want to make it 1.5-2lbs a week by adding more exercise.

    With that said and the math done I need to burnr roughly an additional 600/cal per day! Is this even realistic without losing my mind??? Anyone at that level of BURN? If so please send suggestions. I am a fulltime mom and account analyst for the hospitals clinical lab so in short my time is limited except maybe saturdays. Any high impact short time suggestions?

    thanks :-)

    You should eat at least your bmr and then your exercise calories back if you want to build muscle. You might not be eating enough and that might be why you are stuck in a plateau.
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    perhaps a work out video and the occasional HIIT session would do the trick?
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    If you are still losing up to 2 lbs a month, you are not experiencing a plateau.
  • kwin91
    kwin91 Posts: 128
    Ok, so here is something that is going to help you. Weight training, you will burn on average 3% more in 10 weeks which depending on your weight could be 5-20 pounds. If you weight lift 2x a week you will loose weight. And don't worry if you see your weight go up a few pounds because your body bloats in the areas you work for a couple days. You may not see the scale move, but you'll be able to wear a pant size smaller in a month. I have lost 5 pounds in 3 weeks which is ok, but I am now a dress/pants size smaller. Also it burns about 300 calories just in that. Then you go running for like a half hour and that's about 300+ depending on speed and your weight. Also do TOTAL body workout so that way one muscle group isn't getting worked and that can also burn more calories. Higher your protein counts! I'm seeing great results in my body from this! Work out like a man does I work out like my husband does and he can bench 50lbs over his weight and is in perfect shape with 6% body fat. We do our workouts together! And you wont get bulky cause its too hard for women to build a lot of muscle! Good luck!
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 994 Member
    Yeah you definitely need to eat more to fuel that much working out..

    I know we all want to lose FAST.. but this is a marathon.. not a sprint..

    Go for TDEE-15% based on Moderate activity calculations..
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Hmmm. Are you sure your TDEE is correct at 1500ish? (I think I read that you meant TDEE) With 50 lbs to lose, and you're a full time mom? I dunno! I'd really think about what kind of activities you do to be sure you're actually at 1500 to start, because it may be a matter of time-to-increase. :)

    If not, yeah, 600 a day is possible, it can just be harder depending on how small you are. :) I'd probably just try to burn more ambient calories than running around in a gym. Clean more, take stroller walks more, wrestle with the significant other more. My entire life would be a study in trying to stay off the couch and up and doing something. :)
  • LostinFat77
    LostinFat77 Posts: 24 Member
    I can do it by doing multiple exercises a day. Noted I don't work but I think you can still get more in within a week than on Saturdays alone. Go to the database and pick what you think are doable activities for your time and it will tell you the burn you can get.

    Mowing the lawn with a regular push mower I can burn 544.