South Beach? Yay or Nay?

I'm toying with the idea of doing the South Beach diet to improve the way my body reacts to food and help me learn how to utilize the glycemic index to lose weight. Anybody done it? If so how many weeks on which phases - what was your total weight loss and how did your body react when you went back onto carbs, etc? Also - give me a guesstimate of your willpower. Were you 100% Did you slack now and then? How was your transition through phases 2 and 3 - smooth or splurge?



  • benw
    benw Posts: 211 Member
    My sister-in-law is doing it. Her Doctor suggested it for some breathing problems she was having and it is helping.
  • jagreynolds
    I did the South Beach Diet about 3 or 4 years ago. I dont have much bad to say about it. If you can get through the first 2 weeks you will get into a routine. There are actually some good recipes once you get into Phase II and later III.

    Here is the problem when you start introducing stuff back in you have to be careful just like any of those diets. If you get lay or complacent with the diet you will gain it back quick. I have good will power and did well with it for a while. I lost around 15 or 20 lbs I can't remember. But what happens is after a while of allowing yourself some of the things you got rid of you start to slack off and soon enough you get back into your old habbits.

    If you do it then it has to be a life style ....a LIFE STYLE. You have to realize that you pretty much are teaching yourself to eat all over again and forget everything you learned your whole life about food. My problem was that I liked food to much and couldn't stick to the lifestyle so I went from 190 back up to about 215 and now I am trying again to get rid of it.

    If you do it good luck.

  • 1crazymom
    1crazymom Posts: 434 Member
    I did south beach 3 years ago. Felt hungry most days. I only made it a week and a few days before I got real weak and ucky:grumble: . But I'm also not a big meat, egg eater? I did lose 10 lbs but the way I felt, I can't do it again? Good luck!:smile:
  • SaraAnne
    SaraAnne Posts: 53
    I've found that SB is a good way to jumpstart weight loss. I only do it for a week, then I try to avoid refined/manufactured carbs and foods. I can't stay away from all carbs for more than that though haha. Just a week of SB totally changes the way I think about food and I always see weight loss. I was actually going to start my "week of SB" today because I gained an lb this week haha. But long story short: I vote Yay for SB (in moderation). Good luck!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    My doctor of almost 30 years suggested the SB diet book. He is very conservative, and doesnt give out advise unless he has researched thoroughly.