Now what

So I've signed up to MFP a few days ago and have been scrolling through the piles of posts and info on this site. I'm overwhelmed and am wondering where/how to start this journey. I know everyone has their own way/routine of doing things and would love to hear yours. Thank you for helping me figure it all out.


  • karavanderkooy
    karavanderkooy Posts: 31 Member
    Welcome! Be sure to be faithful when logging food. It makes you see all of the wasted calories that we put into our bodies. Make sure that you drink lots of water and exercise. That is about all to it, except for the will power of course!
  • BlossomingK
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    I think it's a good idea to fill out your profile, and then look for like-minded friends. Oh, and add a photo! Even if it's not one of yourself, for right now. I understand you are just a couple of days in, but it will be really helpful and will pique the interest of others who decide to check out your profile. Welcome aboard!
  • OregonShell
    OregonShell Posts: 44 Member
    When I started with MFP I was a little over whelmed as well so I first focused on diet.. logging everything I ate, trying to make healthier choices...That was in February... after a month or so I started adding exercise to my the weather is getting better I have been adding more and more cardio... eventually going to have to add weights as well and start toning up these old muscles..LOL

    The best advice I can give is baby steps.. we didn't put the weight on over night and there fore it wont come off over night ( something I have to remind my self from time to time) ... Don't be afraid to try different things... you will find your "sweet spot" with amounnt of calories.. everyone is different, and nothing is written in stone.. When I hit plateu's I try adjusting my calories up or down as well as play with my exercising... sometimes it helps get things moving again..
    Also you MFP friend understand.. we have been there... st struggles, hurdles and juggling of work, family and health.. so talk to them don't be afraid to say something you never know when someone else might be going thru the same thing .

    Best of luck and You CAN do this if you set your mind to it ... it won't be easy but the results will be worth all the hard work...

    ps: don;t be to hard on your self.. allow a "cheat" meal once in a while... maybe once a week... plan ahead for it it will give you a chance to have the little things you are craving or gave up... you will find (at least I have) that even on "cheat meal/ day" you are so used to healthy choices you actually do pretty good..:smile:

    pss: oh and there are healthy alternatives to favorite pizza, itallian, and mexican foods... ask around alot of people on here have come up with great recipies... :drinker:

    Best of Luck on the journey to a Healthier You :flowerforyou: :happy:
  • Feed_the_Bears
    Feed_the_Bears Posts: 275 Member
    The simplest advice I can give is to 1) choose simple unprocessed foods closest to their natural form 2) eat plenty of protein, more than MFP suggests, eat lots of produce, whole grains and oils/nuts. Go for it :-)
  • Belle9987
    Belle9987 Posts: 7
    Hi im Belle trying to find friends to help motivate weight loss iv fallen of the wagon in the last to days and gains 2 pounds back :(
  • VenomousDuck
    VenomousDuck Posts: 206
    find people who can help however you eat. I don't care what plan you follow, pick something and do it.

    write a profile, find some friends that you like and will keep you accountable. read other people's profiles, ask them to be friends.

    give them a note saying why you want to friend them.

    ask questions, but develop a thick skin, people like to flame on here in the forums.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Hi im Belle trying to find friends to help motivate weight loss iv fallen of the wagon in the last to days and gains 2 pounds back :(

    Two lbs is nothing...easy for you to overcome...welcome and good luck. You got this, I know you can do it.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Here is the big thing to remember about this site.....There are a lot of experts on here that don't have degrees but want you to do things their way cause they know best. They know what works for them and you will have to learn what works for you. Take advise that you think will work for you and just leave the rest of it alone. Lesson learned don't post unless your ready to take criticism. When you ask a question you will get tons and tons of different answers. Try not to be overwhelmed over the amount of information that will be thrown at you. And do your research for things you find out so you have the pros and cons.