Why did you guys end up here?



  • comet_wow
    comet_wow Posts: 180 Member
    I ended up here due to the fact that my husband became heavily involved in gaming around 7 years ago and eventually I took the "if you can't beat 'em join 'em" attitude. Thankfully his gaming days are over more or less but becoming so inactive meant the weight piled on. Hubby is still as slim as he was when he started *sigh*.

    Came across MFP after I was doing a clearout of my wardrobes and it suddenly dawned on me that I was clearing out the wrong clothes so I vowed there and then that the next clearout I had it would be all my fat clothes going to the charity shops.

    I initially was only looking for an online diary to keep track of what I was eating but found SO much more.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I made a wrong turn at Albuquerque.

    Should have made that right.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Because I was fat, same as most people.
  • migoi357
    migoi357 Posts: 173 Member
    I bought into the older equals fatter paradigm and allowed myself to move less and eat more. Then I found the mmel diet (move more, eat less) and use this to track my efforts to do just that. Oh, along the way I've also managed to come into contact with some wonderful, kick the paradigm in the butt folks.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    When I was 15, I had a terrible self image and was overweight (weighed about 160 and was 5'6") so I began starving myself to lose weight. Eating a top end of 300 calories a day, I lost almost 60 lbs in 3 months (was a size 2 and weighed about 103) and then my friends really started noticing that something was wrong with me. When I was 16, they had to talk to my mom and convince her I needed help so she finally sent me to a therapist, which made me feel even worse. Eventually, I realized I had a problem with needing control and I used that control to not eat. I was also manic depressive. I started letting go and stayed at a low, but healthy 115 for 2 years. Then I went to college. Mentally I felt better, but physically I began to put on weight. I slowly watched the number on the scale creep up, but it took awhile as I always was moving. I was too scared to limit my calories at the risk of relapsing. Then when I was 21, I got a job working at tech support and sat in a chair for 9 hours a day. I also started drinking soda and eating junk food because my shift was 4pm-1am. I put on about 20 lbs in the 4 months I worked at that job. When I saw pictures of myself in Texas visiting my brother, I realized how much I had let myself go and joined the site. I did really well for about 4 months, but had to move back home because we couldn't afford the city anymore. Living in my hometown with my mom, all those original self esteem problems came right back and I gained back what I'd lost in 4 months. I've held steady, but now that my husband is at BMT for the Air Force and getting in shape, I figured I should do the same so we can share in a healthier lifestyle! I am committed to sticking it to it this time as nothing scares me more than seeing 200 on that scale.

    I feel safer with MFP because I can see how many calories I'm eating and know that I'm eating enough to fuel my body and not just to survive.
  • mommy2AR
    mommy2AR Posts: 2,802 Member
    My willpower is terrible, I need people to hold me accountable and cheer me on. So I browsed around and came across this site... been hooked ever since, lol
  • tialeanne
    tialeanne Posts: 186 Member
    Because I was fat, same as most people.

  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    my other calorie counting site turned into crap
  • Hairotica
    Hairotica Posts: 24
    Ive had my self esteem knocked badly but realise that nothing will change the opinion of other people, but i CAN go back to being happy with me (which i always was).
    Im here for all the wrong reasons I guess but at least Im honest, vanity mainly. Im used to being slim and don't want to lose that.
    So its severe loss of self esteem that I need to regain even if only so I can say 'up yours'!
  • mooglysmom
    mooglysmom Posts: 319 Member
    Some friends recommended the site. Haven't been doing so awesome at keeping up on it though!
    I've always been chubby, the highest my weight got was before I was pregnant with my first (I was up in the 150s and uncomfortable). After he was born we had to go on a special diet and I dropped to 98lbs. Doesn't sound like a lot, but I am barely 5ft tall, so I was still wearing a 4/6 even at that weight. Then got pregnant again, and the weight just hasn't come off. I dropped a lot last year when I had my gallbladder out, but my stomach has also disgusted me.
    As a kid, I NEVER excercised. Ever! I sat around the house, eating junk food (because that's all we ever had in the house!), and I always felt like crap.
    Few years ago, I figured out that I might have Celiac Disease, and that has helped me maintain rather than gain a whole ton back, thankfully.
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    my other calorie counting site turned into crap

    Yep. If we're going into a basic 'why did you end up on here?' rather than a 'why did you end up needing this site?' in general, then I agree!
  • angelpere
    angelpere Posts: 9
    Because , i just had a recent picture of me taken with my husband of 5years and noticed how much weight i had put on
    and thought to myself that it wasn't healthy for me to weigh so much im bigger then my ol man and bless his heart he hasn't
    complained once lol :laugh: ...also while knowing my family's health issues i figured that at my young age i better make a change
    before i developed the same issues as my (moms) side of the family ( the women on that side aren't in the healthiest situations )
    knowing that i have already got one of the health issues ( cervical cancer found out april 2012) figured what a better time then now
    to get back into shape and have a healthy lifestyle .......

    looking for support in this journey so feel free to add me:happy:
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    my other calorie counting site turned into crap

    Yep. If we're going into a basic 'why did you end up on here?' rather than a 'why did you end up needing this site?' in general, then I agree!

  • osualex
    osualex Posts: 409 Member
    Because I couldn't afford Weight Watchers anymore :laugh:

    Seriously, though, I was at a normal weight until my college years. I was very active as a kid and was able to eat whatever I wanted and not think about it. I always THOUGHT I was fat, but had a perfectly normal BMI. Then came college + drinking + eating crap food all the time + a sedentary job, and bam, 200 pounds on my 5'4 frame. Not pretty.

    I'm down to my freshman year weight though and should be back at a healthy BMI by the end of summer!
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    my other calorie counting site turned into crap

    Yep. If we're going into a basic 'why did you end up on here?' rather than a 'why did you end up needing this site?' in general, then I agree!


    Nope. Even worse (I think). Extrapounds.
  • ksumme
    ksumme Posts: 283
    How did I get so heavy? The initial reasons, toxic family. Much abuse of every type you can imagine.

    Then came the learned behavior of no portion control on good or bad foods, and emotional eating - after dealing with toxic family.
    Now, no excuses. I can't change them or control them, and I don't allow them to control me anymore.

    A few years ago my cousin introduced my sister to this site, and she told me about it. (Neither of them are part of the 'toxic' part of the family, btw.) :-)
    I did well for a while, and then slipped.

    This time, health issues slapped me upside the head. So I am here for good, and doing better than ever from an emotional perspective on my relationship with food.
  • softballmom33
    softballmom33 Posts: 128 Member
    Diabetes and Cancer has unfortunately taken away many of my family members too soon. I had Gestational Diabetes with my second child. I had lost all my weight after having hear and my Diabetes went away. I started putting on weight too much for my 5'2" height. After may doctor visits of just not feeling right I had hypoglycemia, anemia, gallstones and had my gallbladder removed.

    After all of these diagnosis I just wanted to feel better both inside and out. I have lost some of the weight and feel so much better. I have the energy to do the things I have put aside for so long. I haven't went to the Dr's in so long since I always would find out another thing wrong with me every time I went. I have made a Dr. appointment in the next few weeks and hoping I have some good news. I do feel great even though I still have some more weight to lose but its a start.

    I couldn't do this without MFP and all the support that people have given me. I love all my MFP friends for this! I am here logging on every day and try to make the healthiest choices.
  • Vercell
    Vercell Posts: 437 Member
    Great question how did I end up this way I never had a weight problem growing up all threw school even when I had my four children, I always ate what I wanted was active. Just this last 6 years things started to catch up with me all the bad eating. I am 5'7 started weight was 130 in 2006 I got up to 170 then 200 then 220, I did not know how to fix it cause I never had to worry about my weight. So I had to learn how to eat and stay active, so I ended up this way because I thought I was going to spend most of my life thin I did not think I could get fat, I abused my body and thought I could keep eating bad and not being active and it caught up with me.. Currently I am 190lbs goal is to be 150 lbs
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I had already lost 40 lbs before MFP, so I just started using it because it was easier to track calories.

    I gained the weight because I just simply became lazy after an injury and didn't get back into the swing of things when it healed. I've never had any type of problem with food.
  • honeygirl0715
    I'd lost 24 pounds before I discovered MFP. I started searching the net for weight loss support sites because I realized I needed the support of others who were also trying to liver healthier lifestyles. Since joining MFP at the end of Feb. 2012 I've lost another 24 pounds for a total weight loss of 48 pounds since July 2011. My goal is 100 pounds.