your motivation?

I am curious as to what makes people so motivated to lose weight. I know this is gonna sound negative, but I am doing it out of anger. I am mad at the world, plus myself for lettign me get this way. I am mad at the commercial fro throwing food in my face. I am mad at my bf who can eat until his heart contents n only gain barely nothing. I am mad at bfs mother who, idk, seems kind of snooty about me and my eating habit style. She had a picnic about 2 weeks ago. I had a small scoop of italian pasta n a small scoop of mac salad, together both would of equaled a cup. She looked at me and said, you know thats a lot of cals right there. I know but I work my butt of to eat. I even brought my own hotdogs, which were turkey dogs. That just made me mad. I am mad at the cosmetic surgeon for being a jerk about my weight. Even though I told him I am dieting and already loss a good 30 pounds at the time, he treated me like I could never lose the weight cus fat people just arent motivated enough so getting your stomach cupped off is the only option. Whatever. Now I know I lost more, but now men are starting to glance my way. Great I think, it makes me mad that looks are everything to a man. Really men, I noticed I am becoming more not stuck up as to per say, but just sick of the bs. If these guys ogle me when I get more thin, thats all they will be able to do. I will not give any man the time of day, even bf. Hes starting to be the same and Idk its making me sick to my stomach. In one way I would rather be alone than be with a guy who is all about looks. I just find it lame and irritating. Just anger is motivating me to do this, but maybe that will change once I lose more of the weight, maybe as time goes by I will learn to except, but I wont give in. SO right now, I am gonna remain angry.


  • psychofantasy
    It sounds to me like you have very good reasons to be p****d off. But, as a motivator, anger doesn't last for long. So my advice is: Don't be angry, be determined. Let the comments slide right off you, because when you get to goal, you can go right over to your bf's mother's house, eat another helping of mac salad, look at her and say "it takes more than a little pasta to keep me down!"

    As for people checking you out, try to take it as a compliment. You've worked hard to become healthier, and it shows - on your body. When people look at you like that, it's a sign that your hard work and dedication are paying off. Of course there is a line between being discreet and straight up ogling someone.

    I would also like to add that just because a guy checks you out doesn't mean looks are the only thing he's interested in. I mean, sometimes it does, but you can't judge that based solely on the fact that he checked you out. It's just that as human beings, when someone we think looks attractive walks by, it's almost impossible not to steal a look.

    At any rate, I've sent you a friend request. Maybe we can help each other stay motivated and determined. :happy:
  • SoBeFitNow
    SoBeFitNow Posts: 16
    A big part of my motivation to lose weight was anger as well. When I weight 220lbs, I used to look at myself in the mirror and tell myself that I was disgusting. I was very upset with what I saw. Combine that with the heart disease that runs in my family, and it was enough to light a fire under my butt and get me moving. Proper nutrition and P90X helped me realize my hardest goals. If there is anything I can do to help you on your journey, let me know. I enjoy sharing my knowledge and experience with others =)
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    I guess a lot of mine was/is anger as well. But at no one but myself. Angry that I can't control myself, that I am lazy and that I eat junk. But mostly angry and ashamed I let myself do this. Anger has carried me for almost 7 months and 95 lbs down and I know it will continue until the end. Because if I gain one ounce in this journey I will just get more angry that the doctors were right and I couldn't lose 170 lbs on my own and that I am weak.

    But I don't see that happening because my other motivation is pride. It's never been there in my appearance but I'm not going to let my primary be right. And I will lose every ounce to prove that I can do this.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    Anger plays a large part in my motivation as well. I was healthy in high school & college largely because I enjoyed running and my diet wasn't terrible. I survived a rather brutal assault while I was in college. Several weeks after the assault, the wounds healed, I tried to start running again only to be sidelined with a multitude of aches, pains and injuries. Perhaps the wounds were not as healed as they needed to be, perhaps I was trying to "run" out my anger and grief, but after several unsuccessful attempts to start running again, I gave up and running got added to the very long list of things my attacker took from me.

    Nearly two decades and 95 pounds later, I had a moment of clarity. I have been angry with the b@stard who tried to kill me for taking so much from me-and in that moment all that anger shifted towards myself for allowing him to keep those things. So I started running the next day. It honestly didn't really occur to me that I might lose weight when I started running, and it wasn't until almost a month later that I noticed my clothes were falling off and I thought it might actually be possible for me to beat my attacker and be healthy again. That's when I joined mfp.

    When I first started running, every step felt like a metaphorical opportunity to spear my attacker in the eye with a stiletto heel. But it's not about him anymore and hasn't been for a while. Now it's just about taking my life back for me, and that-more than a zillion hours of therapy-has been the single most powerful piece of my recovery in almost 20 years. I will never rock a 2-piece due to scars, but I will rock just as the me I should have allowed myself to be.
  • tlc12078
    tlc12078 Posts: 334 Member
    You guys can add me or if oyu dont mind me adding you. I am have my mind set to keep on trucking, too push it through even on the days I dont feel like moving. All of this determination is paying off, I am finally starting to see results, not much, but enough to notice enough to keep me going. I am hoping my anger issue will go away with in time. Its good to hear I am not the only who started this way. Thank you guys.
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Motivation = not dying. Everyone on my paternal side dies at 55. Seriously. And I have the paternal body type which include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes.

    Living, what a motivator :wink: