Newbie! :) Advice?

I am a newbie so be nice :)
I have 3 months until my holidays and need to shift a 'few' pounds!
Any tips or advice on loosing weight?
Oh and what food is best for snacking on apart from fruit? :)


  • lisamerrison
    lisamerrison Posts: 90 Member
    Snack a Jacks are quite good for me, they give you the feeling you are getting something sweet if you have the caramel ones.

    Do half hour walk a day amazing what the difference in additional calories you get if you need a snack or two.

    Good Luck
  • goddamnelectric
    Whatever you choose, work on EVERYTHING, biggest mistake people make is just trying to tone one area. Do some cardio and lift weights! As far as snacks go: cottage cheese, tuna on whole grain crackers is good, celery, carrots etc. Shoot for veggies and protein. Good luck
  • harri1990
    harri1990 Posts: 18
    I snack on hard boiled eggs, (though only one as 2 is a lot of cholesterol) dry roasted nuts in 28g portions... if you like cream cheese try that on crackerbread/ryvita/melba toast. also if you are into home baking... try making oat biscuits... they're really tasty and even with chocolate chips in they're not as bad for you as a shop bought cookie :)
  • sgall123
    sgall123 Posts: 133 Member
    Hi there I'm new to this too... But liking it so far... Just ordered myself a fitbit too... Hoping to get a few friends on here for support!! ;)
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    Mushrooms ;-)

    You can eat loads of them and fry in 1 cal and they are so filling...but lots of salad stuff and veggies are low cal.

    Walking :-) walk loads it is free of charge an no excuses not to be able to walk.

    Eat protein meals to fill you up more. But make sure you do not eat under your BMR
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    We've all been newbies. :-)

    I would say measure everything. Everyone tends to estimate low on food calories, and high for time spent exercising.
    If you don't have a food scale, which I recommend getting, use measuring cups to get exact serving sizes. I left a 3/4 cup in my cereal box until I could it eyeball pretty accurately.

    Drink water, coffee or tea without anything added, instead of soda, juice, coffee with cream, etc.
    Beverage calories add up quickly!

    Oatmeal. Filling, fibrous, a bit of protein, a little goes a long way and keeps you feeling full longer.

    Half of each meal should be vegetables, preferably not dripping in butter or dressing. Orange or dark green preferably, for high nutrient content.

    Exercise- do what you love. Keep the heart rate up. Do strength training half the time so you don't lose muscle mass as you're losing weight. Go through the database and look for exercises that show the highest calorie burns per 30 min. or per hour.

    Don't eat at 1200 unless you're under 5 feet tall. Play with your goals and aim for 1400-1600. Good luck, and remember: every healthy choice you make is a reward for your body. :-)
  • talamer
    talamer Posts: 516 Member
    Whatever you choose, work on EVERYTHING, biggest mistake people make is just trying to tone one area. Do some cardio and lift weights! As far as snacks go: cottage cheese, tuna on whole grain crackers is good, celery, carrots etc. Shoot for veggies and protein. Good luck

    Totally agreed with that post, maybe u should drink more water and try to do workout like 4-5 times a week! cardio & strength training for all the body as well :)
  • harri1990
    harri1990 Posts: 18
    Mushrooms ;-)

    You can eat loads of them and fry in 1 cal and they are so filling...but lots of salad stuff and veggies are low cal.

    Walking :-) walk loads it is free of charge an no excuses not to be able to walk.

    Eat protein meals to fill you up more. But make sure you do not eat under your BMR

    Sorry to sound stupid but i just calculated my BMR.. and it was something like 1500... my calorie target is 1200 a day but i can never eat enough to meet that... what does eating under your BMR mean/what are the effects?
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    OK your BMR is what your basic metabolism rate is the calories you would burn just staying alive. For instance your brain and all your organs even skin and hair, need that basic amount of calories to function. So if you eat below that amount then your body will not have enough calories to keep everything healthy.

    You would be suprised how easy it is to eat 1200 cals a day. You can add nuts a great source of protein, even drinks such as protein shakes or a milk shake can boost those calories. If you are adding in some exercise then MFP will give you some extra calories to eat.

    If you take time to look through some of the topics on the community you will find lots of really great advice. Check out the recipe section if you are stuck for ideas to boost your calories.
  • kimberly051169
    Anyone out there using the Fitbie? If so, would love some feedback.