New to the community

Hi Everyone. My name is Michael Carollo. I'm 28 years old and I'm from Long Island, New York but currently living in Las Vegas, Nevada. I used to weigh 220lbs and have lost 70 by cleaning up my nutrition and fitness. I have finished the P90X and P90X2 extreme home fitness programs as well as Insanity: Asylum. I am starting P90X again on Monday and I can't wait!

I made an account here so I can share my knowledge and advice with others that are looking to live a lifestyle that focuses on health and wellness. I've been down a very long road when it comes to my health, so I am hoping that sharing those experiences with others will help motivate and encourage people to be healthy and fit.

If you would like to learn more about me, shoot me a message. Also, if you have any questions that I might be able to help with, don't hesitate to toss 'em my way. Thanks very much for your time, I look forward to being an active member here!


  • psychofantasy
    My name's Joe, and I just started here a couple weeks ago. I started at 320, and now I'm about 306 and getting ready to try out Power 90. It sounds like you could be a real inspiration to those of us who have a long way to go. Friend request sent.