Question about Exercise Tracking



  • lovestotravel3
    "But I guess it's healthier to maintain a net calorie as you say."

    Nonsense. It's healthy to have no excess fat. :-)

    This is an example of science from internet soundbites, versus science.

    To make a REAL DECISION, I recommend the book I mention! It's a great book, if a little technical, enjoy.

    Failing that, stick to what has been working for you and what you feel is right.

    The whole thing is really silly -- ok so you "eat back!" your exercise. So what do you do about carbs? protein? fat? do they go up ... proportionately? or what?

    I understand having an opinion but to come across as if it is your way or the highway makes no sense. If it only worked your way then why have I lost 18 pounds? Why not just give advice and say this works for me instead of saying everyone else is nonsense.

    Thanks, Tryinghard. This was one of the reasons I hesitated to even put the question out there *sigh* I have gotten some good advice and explanation, so I thank you all for that. Gives me a lot of different options to consider.

    In summary, there is not right or wrong answer, and it's not black and white, I'll have to figure it out for myself by trial and error week by week.
  • tryinghard71
    tryinghard71 Posts: 593
    "But I guess it's healthier to maintain a net calorie as you say."

    Nonsense. It's healthy to have no excess fat. :-)

    This is an example of science from internet soundbites, versus science.

    To make a REAL DECISION, I recommend the book I mention! It's a great book, if a little technical, enjoy.

    Failing that, stick to what has been working for you and what you feel is right.

    The whole thing is really silly -- ok so you "eat back!" your exercise. So what do you do about carbs? protein? fat? do they go up ... proportionately? or what?

    I understand having an opinion but to come across as if it is your way or the highway makes no sense. If it only worked your way then why have I lost 18 pounds? Why not just give advice and say this works for me instead of saying everyone else is nonsense.

    Thanks, Tryinghard. This was one of the reasons I hesitated to even put the question out there *sigh* I have gotten some good advice and explanation, so I thank you all for that. Gives me a lot of different options to consider.

    In summary, there is not right or wrong answer, and it's not black and white, I'll have to figure it out for myself by trial and error week by week.

    Exactly! Find what works for you!!
  • tryinghard71
    tryinghard71 Posts: 593
    There is nothing "silly" about eating back your exercise calories. It is done to maintain the desired calorie deficit and thus the desired weekly weight loss.

    Yes, some people chose to not do so, and that's ok for them as it's their weight loss plan (even if some of them can be rather rude about it). All I can say is, again, I have been following the MFP plan and have been getting results.

    In the end though, it really is up to you. If you choose to go one way and it doesn't seem to be working for you, try the other and see how it goes.
