First step on a seemingly endless road...

jonesyx6 Posts: 46 Member
So I just signed up for MFP. I need to lose 100 lbs and I'm scared. I feel like I've tried everything and while some have worked, apparently my behaviors have never changed since I'm up again in weight. My biggest challenge is exercise. Because I'm so overweight, and I have exercise induced asthma, everything HURTS...and looks ridiculous. I used to be fit...I look at myself now and think, "How did I get here" I don't even know me anymore.

I'm hoping to find encouragement and possibly accountability here.



  • cairoqueen27
    cairoqueen27 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi Lisa,
    My name is Debbie and i am also a new member on here but have been dieting half heartedly for 10-15 years. I feel what you are saying. I think I am the slim young woman I feel in my brain. Alas a glance at a reflection and its like who is that blob. Oh its me - Cue a binge on something and the guilt. That got be from fat to obese in the last couple years.
    Am hoping myfitnesspal is going to work. Certainly not having to write down and work out all the elements of my meal is one bonus.
    Well done for taking that first step. Keep going forward, even if it is slowly - you will get there in the end. :)
  • nbreteil
    nbreteil Posts: 40
    Don't worry, you will get there. MFP is a tremendous help! I started at 245 pounds 2 months ago (I'm 5"3') and am already down 21 pounds. Exercise was hard for me to start, I started 1 month ago and the 1st week was I love it!!

    Don't see it as a diet. See it as a lifestyle change. That's what I did and I will never go back :)
  • crossmk
    crossmk Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Lisa,

    My name is Mary. As corny as it sounds, you've taken the biggest step...getting started. The next step is logging on everyday and writing down everything. I too had difficulty getting exercise. In 2010 I had several surgeries which slowed me down. The best advice I received was simply try to start by doing 5 minutes of exercise (I like to walk at about 2.5 mph...which is pretty slow) . I started that in Jan. 2011 and then was diagnosed with another medical issue which kind of zapped even that for a while. In Jan. 2012 I decided I was going to get going again...medical issue or not. I was not on any program at the time, so lacked motivation. Was introduced to MFP in April and now exercise regularly (walking only which is what I can do).

    Just remember you deserve this and you are worth it and don't let anyone or anything convince you otherwise!!