What Have You Given Up?



  • momtokgo
    momtokgo Posts: 446 Member
    I have given up (because of tummy troubles) all meat, dairy, fast food, chips/anything greasy,(all triggers) and since eggs are digesting anyway and I'd already given up meat, and dairy, I gave up eggs and entered into full fledged veganism.
  • suaku
    suaku Posts: 45
    I've given up nothing -- I just eat less. For me, it's all about sustainable lifestyle choices, so deprivation can't work for me indefinitely.
  • mdj1501
    mdj1501 Posts: 392 Member
    I haven't really given up anything... I avoid certain things because they don't agree with my stupidly sensitive digestive system, but I eat what I want in moderation. I know I will feel better if I limit starches like bread, and deep fried breaded foods.
  • Hayesgang
    Hayesgang Posts: 624
    I gave up .... making excuses.......everything else is on my menu within my calorie goal.......

    ^^This says it all!!!

    I have also given up being lazy, being the fat girl, not fitting into my clothes, being out of breath when I run, hiding the empty chip bags in the bottom of the trash, saying "I dont' have time", critizing myself!!
  • sagetracey
    sagetracey Posts: 607 Member
    excuses! Learned that I can have excuses or I can have results but I can't have both, so I have given up excuses.
  • ijiiii
    ijiiii Posts: 61
    I've given up low calorie foods. Waste of my time and money for me to be munching on stuff that doesn't allow me to gain weight. I despise eating, but it's a must if I want to change.
  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
    Alcohol. But that is as much for the safety and well-being of everyone around me as it is for my own health.
  • Starrynights1107
    Starrynights1107 Posts: 70 Member
    So far I've only "given up" having my favorite dish from my local Chinese food joint. It's not that I think it's "bad" but since it's a local restaurant and not a chain I don't know how many calories, etc. are in it and can't log it accurately so I just haven't had it since I started tracking. I have whatever I want within reason (for the most part) and log it. Maybe I'll just rack up some extra calories throughout the week, have the Chinese food on the weekend, and just not worry about logging that day :)
  • almaster666
    almaster666 Posts: 52 Member
    Fast food + cookies
  • JWmovin4ward
    JWmovin4ward Posts: 195 Member
    food wise... nothing, if I really feel like something in particular I will have it, normally a small portion is all that is needed to satisfy the craving
  • carolemack
    carolemack Posts: 1,276 Member
    When I was having problems with rapid weight gain, bloated and painful stomach, as well as very bad acid reflux I started to journal what I ate, when, and how I felt after. It quickly became apparent that I was highly intolerant of anything made with wheat i.e bread, cookies, cake, etc. I cut all wheat products out of my diet at the beginning of the year and have slowly reintroduced some whole grain breads occasionally.

    I've now lost almost 50 pounds in a relatively easy and painless way. I think everyone needs to find out what foods their bodies don't like very much. I think you are doing a very smart thing. Good luck to you!
  • slimsconie
    slimsconie Posts: 46

    I'm giving up the same stuff:) Please sign me on as a friend and let's keep in touch regularly to support one another. I'm glad someone else is doing the same as me.

    Slim sconie
  • kariberi84
    kariberi84 Posts: 186 Member
    2 weeks ago I looked up the calories in my favorite coffee drink. Needless to say, I gave that up. And I don't miss it. How could I miss drinking 1/2 of my 2070 calorie diet?!?!
  • JoshuaL86
    JoshuaL86 Posts: 403 Member
    There is nothing on my no-no list aside from trans fats. You don't need to be so restrictive to be successful.

    The only things I gave up were crappy self esteem, plus size clothing, and being a lazy bum.

  • mboktay
    mboktay Posts: 69 Member
    I haven't really given up anything yet, but my sleep in the mornings to go to the gym. I'm not really at a point yet where I want to. I also don't think you should give things up you are not willing to give up for life, because you will eventually go back to them. I don't have anything I'm willing to give up for the rest of my life at this time, maybe sometime though.
  • iwantahealthierme13
    iwantahealthierme13 Posts: 337 Member
    if you give up all that what can you eat? lol.

    I'm limiting salt and sugar, gave up soda (unless it's diet which I have when I'm eating out if there's no choice of water) gave up chicken fingers, fried fish, fried rice (I eat steamed rice instead but I still eat chinese food), hotdogs, most coldcuts, (I have 50 calorie mortadella and I eat ham but no longer buy bologna or salami or any of that), bacon, spring rolls, most cookies (I have social tea cookies and the occasional chewy chocolate chip), chips (except tortilla chips and the occasional when I'm out) switched, regular oven fries for sweet potato fries, gave up eating fast food fries (never liked them much anyway), the only things I have from McDonald's are the cheese burger and chicken mcnuggets, sometimes the strawberry sundae, changed from regular to greek yogurt for the protein content, gave up flavoured oatmeal, gave up chocolate bars and gave up milk chocolate whenever possible

    I also stay away from white bread, have brown rice more often than white, have whole wheat pasta or egg noodles more often than white pasta and stay away from sugary cereals. Started drinking more water, became a tea drinker (green tea and camomile) Also try to stick to small serving sizes and trying to lower carbs! I don't drink alcohol but I never really did.
  • daisymaedances
    I am giving up for the second time, sugar and carbs. I also want to watch my fat intake. The withdrawal headaches have started already but after a few days those should go away. Good luck to everyone! :D
  • 1ViciousCutie
    Lord knows I love fries! I'm giving them up completely. Along with any sugar, juices, sodas, and bread.
  • wookiemouse
    wookiemouse Posts: 290 Member
    Soda, fast food, simple sugars, simple carbs, sweets, unhealthy fats...I've basically given up all of the garbage that you don't need, and I don't even feel like it's a sacrifice anymore.

    ^^^ this. I did it over the course of a year. I was one of those people who "couldn't imagine" life without a coke. Or cake. Or french fries. Otherwise, what was the point of living if I couldn't have these "treats"?

    Then I cut them out and realized they did more HARM than GOOD to my body. I now have no cravings for them whatsoever. Stuff like fries actually make me nauseated now, the grease is SO nasty! Why poison yourself when there are so many tasty, wonderful whole foods out there that your body loves and can love you back? Makes no sense to keep shoving in the bad stuff!
  • larkiedeek
    larkiedeek Posts: 203 Member
    I gave up cola and chocolate. And I love chocolate!!!!

    I also gave up alcohol except special events. I have drank twice in the last 5 months.

    I finally gave up on accepting what I was. I am now a healthy BMI, eat much better and have a sharper mind.