My Unpopular Opinion



  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Being pregnant is disgusting to me, and having children is a waste of time for most people. It's 2012 but i'm still expected to want to rear young and have a big virginal ceremony pledging myself to a man because to society i'm basically a uterus with legs.

    That felt good.

    I...I think I love you?
  • jeffazi
    jeffazi Posts: 198

    Woah....let's not go there at all. Hitler was NOT a Christian. I dont care if he used the name of God or not.........Hitler was also very curious about the occult, should we call him a Wiccan? Heck no because then the Wiccan's would freak out. Hitler was a monster.....not a Christian.

    I meant that I'm pretty sure he identified himself as Christian... I thought this was widely known? I'm not using this to rag on religion, coz by that logic all Germans are horrible coz Hitler was German, which obviously isn't true... the poster just said all those men weren't religious, and I'm just clarifying by pointing out that Hitler was in fact religious...

    I know what you mean. Sorry if I seemed confrontational, really not trying to be that struck a chord in me. Hitler claimed to be Christian, wanting to purify it by removing the Jewish influence. That in itself dismisses his claim of Christianity considering he would have to purify Christianity of it's core which is Jesus Christ. Therefore, he was not Christian.

    Sorry, but that is the No True Scotsman fallacy. Hitler was a Catholic. He was raised a Catholic and never disavowed his belief in Jesus Christ. You may not like what he did (who does?) but he was a Christian.
    A person sitting around barking like a dog does not make that person a dog. There is my friend a religion which is called christian and then there is real Christianity which is accepting the work that Christ did upon the cross. There is a reason why Jesus himself said Mat 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
    Mat 7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
    Again - your opinion. Even sects of Christianity can't agree on who is right and who isn't (and they sure as hell would never consider that EVERYONE might be a bit right and a bit wrong!) Big Church fundies think Catholics are wrong who think Baptists are wrong who think Protestants are wrong who think Mormons are wrong etc yet they are ALL Christian - whether you personally think they are or not. You want to use a dog analogy? OK. A pit bull may not think a chihuahua is a real dog but that doesn't mean it isn't. Religion is a lot like that. Everyone thinks they are the big dog and the others don't count. But just because you discount a little yappy dog doesn't mean it's not just as much a dog as you.

  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member

    Woah....let's not go there at all. Hitler was NOT a Christian. I dont care if he used the name of God or not.........Hitler was also very curious about the occult, should we call him a Wiccan? Heck no because then the Wiccan's would freak out. Hitler was a monster.....not a Christian.

    I meant that I'm pretty sure he identified himself as Christian... I thought this was widely known? I'm not using this to rag on religion, coz by that logic all Germans are horrible coz Hitler was German, which obviously isn't true... the poster just said all those men weren't religious, and I'm just clarifying by pointing out that Hitler was in fact religious...

    I know what you mean. Sorry if I seemed confrontational, really not trying to be that struck a chord in me. Hitler claimed to be Christian, wanting to purify it by removing the Jewish influence. That in itself dismisses his claim of Christianity considering he would have to purify Christianity of it's core which is Jesus Christ. Therefore, he was not Christian.

    Sorry, but that is the No True Scotsman fallacy. Hitler was a Catholic. He was raised a Catholic and never disavowed his belief in Jesus Christ. You may not like what he did (who does?) but he was a Christian.
    A person sitting around barking like a dog does not make that person a dog. There is my friend a religion which is called christian and then there is real Christianity which is accepting the work that Christ did upon the cross. There is a reason why Jesus himself said Mat 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
    Mat 7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
    Again - your opinion. Even sects of Christianity can't agree on who is right and who isn't (and they sure as hell would never consider that EVERYONE might be a bit right and a bit wrong!) Big Church fundies think Catholics are wrong who think Baptists are wrong who think Protestants are wrong who think Mormons are wrong etc yet they are ALL Christian - whether you personally think they are or not. You want to use a dog analogy? OK. A pit bull may not think a chihuahua is a real dog but that doesn't mean it isn't. Religion is a lot like that. Everyone thinks they are the big dog and the others don't count. But just because you discount a little yappy dog doesn't mean it's not just as much a dog as you.
    I'm sorry, I have to disagree.

    You can't classify a creature small enough to go in a purse as a dog. Chihuahas are overgrown mice.
  • ElBo58
    ElBo58 Posts: 44
    I love Glenn Beck and I listen to Rush Limbaugh whenever I can.

    I'm also an atheist, I support gay marriage, the right to choose and I'll do almost anything to save the whales.

    I also voted for Bush....twice.

    Sue me.

    Are you also a vegetarian who lobbies for the beef industry?

    A pacifist who votes for war?

    A feminist who is a member of the "Women shouldn't vote" party?

    You can say you believe or support anything. It's your actions that prove it or disprove it.

    You, Tia, make my heart sing.

    I hope it's not singing a country western song, those are so sad.

    **Edited to note that the only country song I currently know is Red Solo Cup, and that it is indeed a sad sad song.

    If you play a country song backward, you get your house back, your car back, your wife back and your dog back. But apparently not your chihuahua, since it's not really a dog.
  • greasygriddle_wechnage
    greasygriddle_wechnage Posts: 246 Member
    1- FB is the devil's playground and Zuckerberg is their leader.
    2 - Braunschweiger is the shiznit!
    3 - I love talk radio.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I hate SUV's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    i love the smell of icy hot
  • jenbk2
    jenbk2 Posts: 623 Member
    Here is my MOST UNpopular.... And I expect every teacher to start bitc*ing. because... thats what they do best ;)

    I have NEVER in my life, heard a person B***H more than a teacher. You don't make enough money, you don't have enough time off... why are people expecting you to teach the kids how to pass tests??? BECAUSE THATS YOUR EFFING JOB!?!?! thats why!

    You knew what you were getting into when you DECIDED to be a teacher. You knew you were under paid and under appreciated! But you chose it anyway. PROBABLY because you got a couple months off WITH PAY. You have a few months off PAID for vaca... and thats not even including EVERY federal holiday AND several other "teacher catch up days" You still get paid salary.... dental, medical.... and you are STILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL whining?!?!?!

    YES.... I do expect you to work, and I still expect you help my kids pass a test. Even the big ones like, SOL's, PSAT's, FCATS, Whatever... And I expect you to be judged on your ABILITY TO TEACH KIDS, because, after all... it is your job... AS A TEACHER.


    ^^ COMPLETELY AGREE with this !!!
  • jeffazi
    jeffazi Posts: 198
    forgot Mao 100 million plus
    Right, knew there were more

    Again, if you study Mao and what he advocated, you'll realize that his regime had all the indicia of a religion. Blind adherence to ideology and complete submission to authority. That is religion. What he did wasn't in the name of atheism. Sorry.

    Do any atheists hold an ideology of any sort?
    Not just you, but in general. I mean can they be socialist, libertines, Marxist etc?
    I think you said that Hitler was a Christian, maybe just not the kind I like.
    Communist dictators committed atrocities in the name of Communism which I agree can have similarities to a religion.
    But they are atheist, maybe just not the kind you like or want to be associated with.

    edit to add; I'm not arguing for or against the existence of God; just debating the popular notion that most evil committed in the world comes from religion.

    Atheism is simply a position that opposes a particular subset of religion (theism). There are many other types of religion that don't involve theistic gods (animism, animatism, ancestor worship, and certain religions that are more closely related to ethical systems than anything else). Atheists come in all stripes: libertarians, socialists, Marxists, republicans, democrats, and so forth. If you look at history you'll be hard-pressed to find any regime at any time in history that killed in the name of atheism. But, the same can't be said for religion, especially Christianity, Islam and Judaism. I'm not sure that most evil in the world is committed in the name of religion. That's probably not the case. People don't rob and murder, for the most part, in the name of some god. It's when religion becomes inextricably mixed with government that the problems arise. People often argue for allowing religion in the public square. The problem with that is that there are hundreds of religions but only one public square. Others argue, at least here in America, that the Founding Fathers were Christians (most weren't actually. Most were deists). I'm not interested in the religion of the Founding Fathers. I'm interested in their politics. And, wisely they set up a nation that mandated the separation of churches and the state.
  • Altarian
    Altarian Posts: 230 Member
    My unpopular opinions:
    Twilight was a horrible book serious and even worse movie
    Religion was created by man who needed to fill their parental complex i.e. God, goddess, to explain things.
    There are things that can not be explained by using science or religion
    The american two party system has failed the people but the people are to damn lazy to stand up to it.
  • hyperionguy
    *People who say money can't buy happiness simply haven't tried enough or say that in order to make themselves feel better about their envy. True, it doesn't buy happiness directly but it affords you the freedom of time and opportunities to do what will make you happy.

    *Same sex marriage is not a religious issue so churches and their minions need to STFU and stay out of it. Please abide by separation of church and state. (I only brought this up because the thread is already compromised due to religious discussion. It was more fun earlier on.).

    *People too often confuse racial with racist (guess that's more of a peeve than opinion). :smile:

    The list is much longer, but I always think of good ones when I'm away from the computer.

    **Comment on Nutella - I really like it but I never think to buy it at the store and the one time I did... I only used about 1/4 of the jar. What's up with that?