Tips to not eat when you're bored?



  • RoboLikes
    RoboLikes Posts: 519 Member
    Brush your teeth, origami, pick up sticks, floss, solitaire with actual cards, bedazzle your less than favorite shirts into your new favorite shirts, go for a walk, text a pal, eat carrots, drink water, self control, make and play with a cootie catcher, cat's in a cradle, count out all your pennies...the choices are endless!
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    Dr Phill in his weight loss books suggests replacing behavior. As others stated pick up a hobby, dance lessons, a craft or do something contra to eating like clean a closet or clean the bathroom. By the time you are finished you no longer crave eating.
  • donnantx
    donnantx Posts: 76
    When my kids used to tell me they were bored...they had to go clean the go clean the bathroom, your room, your oven, the frig, the get my drift :) and btw..I never heard that ever again after they had to do it a couple of times
  • seamonkey789
    seamonkey789 Posts: 233
    I go practice the piano or cello. Though sometimes that is frustrating
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    Consider developing an engrossing interest that involves working with your hands. Perhaps a craft.
    I agree with this. I bought a "Knifty Knitter" a couple years ago and took up knitting. It will keep me busy for HOURS at a time. The only problem is that you will end up with a LOT of scarves, hats, pot holders, etc. So either start an eBay business or be prepared to give away a lot of gifts:tongue:
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    My interest is garment construction. I've taken a lot of serious sewing and tailoring classes. I often work in rooms in which there's no room to eat or clean up well and I'm afraid of getting my materials dirty. I work on things that require a lot of time because my aim is to make beautiful, wearable clothes.

    There's the additional benefit of realizing that the more healthily trim I am the better the clothes will look.

    After the messy job I had cleaning my computer keyboard, I'm less and less inclined to eat anywhere near it. I agree that brushing one's teeth is another good idea.

    Someone else mentioned "willpower." I think that willpower is not very powerful. I try not to rely on it.
  • Candoall
    Candoall Posts: 81 Member
    When I'm board, I surf the net, hang out on MFP, etc. :)
  • BatWoman2012
    Jigsaw puzzles are really good. They keep you occupied for hours and once it's finished you can frame it. You can buy them really cheap of auction websites :)
  • srpm
    srpm Posts: 275 Member
    I chew gum or go get a glass of water or tea when I think I'm hungry but know I'm bored. If you really want to eat something try frozen grapes or blueberries, since they are frozen they take longer to eat than raw ones :)
  • deborahackerson
    Hot Tea is a great idea... It not only gives me something to do with my hands, drinking a hot liquid slowly makes me settle down and really think about what I am doing.
  • jplord
    jplord Posts: 510 Member
    Brush your teeth. You wont want to eat since you taste all mint (or whatever toothpaste you use)

    ^^^^^^^ This works for me! I keep a mouthwash at work when I want to hit the vending machine, and it works then.
  • quie618
    quie618 Posts: 102 Member
    Snacking is my downfall. I will snack on anything I can find - even if I don't keep "snacks" in the house. I just keep a lot of healthy things at my desk like carrots or grapes. Also drinking water and tea helps as other people have suggested. And that makes me have to get up and move my *kitten* to the bathroom! That's about all the exercise I get at work! :laugh:
  • Katwilkins
    Katwilkins Posts: 39 Member
    I clean, weed my flowers, snack on 35 calorie a cup popcorn, drink a lot of water, call my mom, or kids, or sister. My most difficult time is when I am on a trip, and bored in the car or airport.
  • heatherrose9
    heatherrose9 Posts: 122 Member
    I look on here or read random blogs! Reading about really fit people makes me not want to snack!!!!!!
  • heatherrose9
    heatherrose9 Posts: 122 Member
    call a friend on the phone to get distracted, take the trash out and keep walking down the street, enjoy the fresh air and when you come back in have a tea or water and maybe you'll forget you were bored and hungry.

    Take the trash out and keep walking down the street-GENIUS! :)
  • jcomarsh
    jcomarsh Posts: 2
    I stick a piece of gum in my mouth. I hate to spit it out when it still has flavor - so that will hold me over for at least 60 minutes. I always need to do that at work in the mornings because donuts are EVERYWHERE!
  • JustCeleste
    JustCeleste Posts: 3 Member
    Chewing gum helps me.
  • ericarae33
    ericarae33 Posts: 211 Member
    i have this too! especially when i'm at work and am procrastinating doing something :p try drinking lots of water or making a hot drink like tea or something. or simply do something to cure your boredom! reading, hang out with a friend chat to friends on mfp!

    This!! I find I eat a lot at work or at night while watching TV....try lots and lots of water, also chew your mouth something to do, and anything you can find to keep your hands busy...clean the house, pull weeds etc....