knee tendonitis

lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
So I have figured out that what is bothering me is knee tendonitis, ouch! My sister (a nurse and who has knee tendonitis) took one look at me and told me that was what it was.. anyway, I was wondering if anyone had any tips about how to not get it again once it is healed. I have been fitted for both custom orthotics and running shoes so got those covered. I am dying to get out running again. I was in week 5 of the couch 2 5K when this happened. It looks like I might have to go get a cortisone shot and I used to wear a knee brace when I was younger...


  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    So I have figured out that what is bothering me is knee tendonitis, ouch! My sister (a nurse and who has knee tendonitis) took one look at me and told me that was what it was.. anyway, I was wondering if anyone had any tips about how to not get it again once it is healed. I have been fitted for both custom orthotics and running shoes so got those covered. I am dying to get out running again. I was in week 5 of the couch 2 5K when this happened. It looks like I might have to go get a cortisone shot and I used to wear a knee brace when I was younger...

    I think it is important to not only treat the symptoms, but also to identify the underlying causes. Interventions such as cortisone, braces, and even orthotics tend to mask problems rather than solve them. Most runner knee problems are caused by biomechanical issues--muscle imbalances, inflexibility, joint issues, etc. Actually the underlying problem is usually somewhere else other than the knee--the knee just bears the stress.

    If you can be evaluated by an experienced sports medicine MD, phys therapist, or athletic trainer, you might find there are stretches, strength exercises, etc that you can do that will make braces or orthotics unnecessary and help prevent a future recurrence of symptoms.
  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
    Yes, I totally agree with you. I have played sports all my life and I know that I will need to take care of what is really causing the problem. I just want the pain to stop and be able to get back out there asap! Just impatient :bigsmile: I have read much about the stretching and plan to do some more strength training in the muscles that support the knee and really just the leg period. I think I am going to look for a good sports doc. I have tendonitis in my wrist too so I am afraid that something is going on in my body, hope it isn't attacking itself. My sister has lupus and I have a child with Type 1 diabetes so autoimmune issues are in the family.
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