Goals for June

I have been thinking about my goals for June.

My May goals were:
1. Lose 5 lbs.
2. Workout 20 days
3. No soda

So far, I am making it! 1 more pound to lose by Thursday...if I workout the next three days I will have 20, and not a sip of soda.

What have your goals been? Something measurable I can do in a month. I am approaching the weight I have the hardest time breaking though. I have always quit around 177. I'm at 180. Help me out here!


  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Good for you on your work towards your goals for May!!!

    My goal for June is just to stay on track. I'm not too worried about the weight loss, or weight gain just need to stick with the game plan...

    I can't really skip cardio completely any one day or my sugar and B/P get totally out of wack. So I think for June my goal is to keep my B/P and blood sugar in line =)
  • eoshore
    eoshore Posts: 2
    Nice goals! :D
    I'm going to do the no soda as well! Too many unnecessary calories ;P
    You can do it, you're doing great already! :D