Okay :( so for the past two weeks ive been doing really bad (Junk food, not exercising, and falling into old habits). Every day i keep telling myself okay it was a mistake you will do better but i just keeping falling into old habits. And when it comes to exercise every time i think about doing it and i tell myself hey im gonna go for a jog. I never make it out the door. It getting really hard to start again. And i could really use you guys help. So how do you start again?? any ideas, Tips . I really wanna succeed at losing weight and not fail. :(


  • gcanter
    gcanter Posts: 194 Member
    Well first, you have to really want to change your current lifestyle.
    Second, start by taking a walk around the block.
    Then in a couple of days set your goal to somplace farther and increase it weekly while increasing your speed.
    And before you know it, you will be moving to something new. That's exercising.
    Start slow and then you can work on your food items!
    Good luck!
  • Grissay
    Grissay Posts: 112 Member
    You should try doing a no junk food challenge. After a week or two, you won't miss them. That's what's worked for me. I haven't had any junk food in 71 days. Woop! :)
  • sophiathedss
    sophiathedss Posts: 97 Member
    I have to start over some days and the important thing, for me, is not to beat myself up. I made a list of things I want from losing weight and getting healthy and I made a list of things that this extra weight has done to me, physically, mentally and emotionally. . I started by cutting out all fast food. Then no sugar or carbs and within a few weeks I lost the taste for those things.

    I can start over any time of the day and that gives me can do this. I made a commitment to myself to just take it one day at a time, and give myself permission to screw up, but get back to my new healthy eating the next meal, or day!

    Of course, this is how I do it and just my opinion...I am rooting for ya!


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  • RoseAmongThorns91
    RoseAmongThorns91 Posts: 215 Member
    While I like Grissay's idea, I can't completely cut them out but instead when I crave junk food, I wait until the weekend and if I still crave it then, I have a small amount.
  • Fitfortat
    Fitfortat Posts: 47
    So girl, I feel your pain, its sooooo easy to fall back into old habits. What I do... is 1. Hop on here and start talking to people. 2. I'm also sitting here chugging 20 oz of water while I'm logging calories or just chatting. By the time I finish the water, my food craving is gone, plus my skin looks amazing!! We all slip now and then, don't fall into the pattern of thinking... well I've messed up so I might as well keep eating. Get back on the wagon and keep at it. I have the same thing for breakfast daily, and then I make and log my lunch the day before so that I feel like its already set in stone and its easier not to cheat. Keep at it girl!! EAT LESS, MOVE MORE, SMILE OFTEN AND LIVE FULLY!! Good luck!
  • denise032
    denise032 Posts: 108 Member
    Start by doing it for ONE day. Plan your meals the night before and stick to it no matter what. As far as exercise, sometimes it's tough to get out of the house, so try doing something at home instead. Crunches, push-ups, etc. If you have a dumbbell or kettleball at home, try some exercises with those. If you need an example, here's something I'm going to try this week-

    Good luck! :)