I totally overate just now-but it was good!!

mrsbeck Posts: 234 Member
I'm stuffed...came home from the gym starving and made some lunch. It came out so well that I totally pigged out...so I thought I'd share the recipe! :devil:

I eggplant, sliced 1/4 to 1/2 inch thick (thinner slices seemed to work better)
tablespoon olive oil
2 medium tomatoes, chopped
1/4 cup feta cheese
4 ounces reduced fat mozzarella, shredded
oregano, garlic, pepper and salt to taste

Put oven on broiler, rack in the 2nd position from top. Lightly brush eggplant slices with oil, add seasonings. Place under broiler for 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, finely chop tomatoes and season to taste. Remove eggplant from oven, top with mozzarella and feta, return to broiler til cheese bubbles. Place on plate, top with tomatoes. Try not to eat the entire eggplant. It came out to about 500 cals when I ate the whole thing.:blushing:

Sorry, but I didn't run it through the recipe calculator to determine cals per serving.