quick slim down after overeating

I over ate, well more so over drank 4 days in a row- Wed thru Sat and didnt workout either those days. On Wed morning I had weighed in at my lowest I have been in a long long time! But as of yesterday morning I was up 4lbs!
Anyone have suggestions to get rid of the extra bloat, food lbs quickly? On Saturday I need to wear a form fitting dress and really want to feel slimmer by then!


  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    I hear ya over this holiday weekend. I do not seem to gain weight if I just drink too much, it's the craving for fried foods the next day that kills me.

    What I do is eat ONLY clean food with low sodium for the next few days, drink lots of water and green tea, and throw in 2 extra hours of cardio over 3-4 days. Seems to do the trick for me.