a new beginning!

Today I start my 150lb weight loss journey! (but for the short term, 25lbs) I weighed 125 before I got pregnant with my first son, and have packed on the pounds very quickly, and then had my daughter which made me gain more, because I was not active at all! So it's time to change my life!

I joined a gym, and met with my personal trainer for the first time today, who I will meet with 2x a week for a month, and then she will set me free ( I hope that goes well). Though the exercise is going to be great! it is the nutrition that is going to get me! I don't eat healthy, I don't drink nearly enough water, but! I have recently quit smoking, so at least I have that going towards my health. I feel like I need to change not only for myself, but for my fiance and 2 wonderful kids as well, we don't get to have as much fun in life as we could if I were in better shape

I'm just looking for people to talk to along the way, make some friends, share some recipies, etc etc

Good luck to everyone on their journeys
