Running every day?

Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
I've discovered my love of running and wanted to know if it's ok to run six days out of seven? The C25K program I have warns you if you do it two days in a row that it's bad but I do enjoy it. Thoughts?


  • wordpainter09
    wordpainter09 Posts: 472 Member
    Hmm.. not always true. You can run two days a week if you want to!

    I would ease into it. It really depends on your speed and the kinds of workouts you do.
    I got into running as a teenager, around 13/14 years old, and started running 5 days a week no problem. I was out of shape and skinny fat, no muscle whatsoever, but because I ran slow and steady and did distance running rather than sprints, I never got an injury.

    Other friends who do sprints/intervals when starting get injuries sometimes.

    If you do run that often I would definitely start out with slower runs rather than interval or speed training and see how your body responds. It can definitely be done, but IMO proceed with caution.

    Glad to hear you like running! It's addicting :smile:
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    If you've only just started, then I think that mixing it up with some different exercise is a really good idea.
    By doing the same exercise every day - especially when you have just started out, you are putting your body at a greater risk of injury. Build in some rest days, do something different for a few days - and you will enjoy your running days even more!
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I do weight lifting two/three times a week (haven't for two weeks due to injury, race and now sports carnival on weekend. Need rest!)

    So three times a week would be better? I'm obviously wanting to avoid injury.
  • Doing_The_Unstruck
    Doing_The_Unstruck Posts: 241 Member
    Ease into it and follow what c25k says. Running puts stresses on bones and muscles that aren't used to it and they need time to strengthen and adapt to it.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Try three times a week plus your lifting - that would give you 6 exercise days plus a rest day which sounds like a smart move to me.

    (I'm speaking from experience, I've had knee and hip injuries since I started running and I think they usually came about from doing too much too soon. Also, read up on good running form, getting good habits from the start is much better than trying to change them later on).
  • Laurej
    Laurej Posts: 227
    You go girl!! If you love running, then DO IT!!!! if you are prone to injury, then don't, but I also discovered a love of running and let me just say, drs have always told me oh you shouldn't run ( I have a metal screw in one ankle and big injuries from an old car accident), and guess what, my knees move smoother now, my ankle doesn't hurt as much, and even my shoulder feels better... maybe it's the endorphins talking but you go running girl go, run be happy and healthy!! Your body will tell you when to take a rest day :) xo's
  • byrnet18
    byrnet18 Posts: 230 Member
    I was running about 5 days a week for almost a year and I was doing pretty good. I started Jillian Micheals 30 DS and jumped straight to level 2 and still ran and I think I injured myself doing that. So I recently took about a month and a half off from all exercise to rest. I am just now starting to ease back into running again. I don't think it was the running that injured me though. Good luck!
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I'm doing a beginner runners course at the end of June and joining a running club which has beginners lessons as well so definitely learning technique!

    Will take the advice and ease into it. One of those weights days includes intervals.

    Will only do my run this week then do a program up starting from Thesday when my tournament is fully over.