Avoiding Weight Gain Whilst Fasting



  • huntingforhipbones

    A lot of useful information there :) thanks! I think where I went wrong was just having water for Suhoor and during Iftari going crazy on the samosas, bhajis etc etc

    My calorie goal is 1200kcal, so it should be easy :)


    Just water for Suhoor? U mad? Lol! And omg, samosas, bhajis ... THE ENEMIES OF A THIN BODY. All that deep fried oil! Nooooo. Avoid THOSE :P

    Good luck, inshallah you manage to make a good, positive start to your weight loss before Ramadan!
  • theboomness
    theboomness Posts: 8 Member
    Lol this is so true!
  • Michelle650
    Michelle650 Posts: 218
    seriously, why are people bickering on here! If it is part of your religion, and you are willing to fast, then fast and if you are not then dont!! I can understand where umeboshi is coming from....that is her opinion and i dont think she meant it in a bad way! I myself have done fasts in the past to raise money for charity! Each to their own i say!
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member

    And you couldn't, I don't know, consider that maybe this post wasn't the place to proselytise about your own views? I mean, I'm not in any way religious, but the point of this post was that the OP was asking for help in combining her health and her faith, not asking for whether you do or do not approve of that faith. Get off your high horse and stop being so tactless.

    Also, FYI, there *are* health exceptions to fasting during Ramadan, such as age, pregnancy, diabetes, and suchlike.

    I never said anything either negative or positive about OP or anyone else's faith. I simply stated that I wouldn't recommend fasting.

    I also didn't realize that this was daytime fasting, as OP never specified. Noting that OP is not in actuality planning on spending 30 days without food, I retract my recommendation and simply suggest eating within your calorie goals during the times you are allowed to eat.
  • theboomness
    theboomness Posts: 8 Member

    A lot of useful information there :) thanks! I think where I went wrong was just having water for Suhoor and during Iftari going crazy on the samosas, bhajis etc etc

    My calorie goal is 1200kcal, so it should be easy :)


    Just water for Suhoor? U mad? Lol! And omg, samosas, bhajis ... THE ENEMIES OF A THIN BODY. All that deep fried oil! Nooooo. Avoid THOSE :P

    Good luck, inshallah you manage to make a good, positive start to your weight loss before Ramadan!

    I will need you to keep reminding me how detrimental to my body those delicious treats are!! lol

    and thank you :)
  • theboomness
    theboomness Posts: 8 Member

    And you couldn't, I don't know, consider that maybe this post wasn't the place to proselytise about your own views? I mean, I'm not in any way religious, but the point of this post was that the OP was asking for help in combining her health and her faith, not asking for whether you do or do not approve of that faith. Get off your high horse and stop being so tactless.

    Also, FYI, there *are* health exceptions to fasting during Ramadan, such as age, pregnancy, diabetes, and suchlike.

    I never said anything either negative or positive about OP or anyone else's faith. I simply stated that I wouldn't recommend fasting.

    I also didn't realize that this was daytime fasting, as OP never specified. Noting that OP is not in actuality planning on spending 30 days without food, I retract my recommendation and simply suggest eating within your calorie goals during the times you are allowed to eat.

    I did mention fasting during sunrise and sunset :)
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member

    I did mention fasting during sunrise and sunset :)

    I must have missed it. My fault!
    Hope you can understand why I didn't think eating nothing for 30 days was a good idea. :laugh: Next time I'll read more carefully.
  • theboomness
    theboomness Posts: 8 Member

    I did mention fasting during sunrise and sunset :)

    I must have missed it. My fault!
    Hope you can understand why I didn't think eating nothing for 30 days was a good idea. :laugh: Next time I'll read more carefully.

    Lol makes more sense now...and no I don't think I have required self control to not eat or drink for 30 whole days let alone even think about it!
  • EngineerPrincess
    EngineerPrincess Posts: 306 Member
    LOL. A religion with 1.6 billion people in it isn't going to suggest something as crazy as not eating anything for 30 days. xD You can actually eat EVERY day. Just not all day long hahaha.
  • cravingskinnybody
    cravingskinnybody Posts: 109 Member
    I was about to ask this question!! good for you, I'm scared too of gaining weight in ramadan !
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    LOL. A religion with 1.6 billion people in it isn't going to suggest something as crazy as not eating anything for 30 days. xD You can actually eat EVERY day. Just not all day long hahaha.

    :laugh: I never underestimate what people will do for their faith. Plus, I at first wasn't sure if there were Muslims who observed Ramadan more strictly than others.
  • dontwantausername1
    dontwantausername1 Posts: 120 Member
    LOL. A religion with 1.6 billion people in it isn't going to suggest something as crazy as not eating anything for 30 days. xD You can actually eat EVERY day. Just not all day long hahaha.

    :laugh: I never underestimate what people will do for their faith. Plus, I at first wasn't sure if there were Muslims who observed Ramadan more strictly than others.
    You can't ever underestimate people :laugh:. Religion and the need to be thin make people do crazy things haha.
  • EngineerPrincess
    EngineerPrincess Posts: 306 Member
    To answer the OP's original question, here's an article my friend just showed me!


    Also, just avoid eating TONS of food after sunset and make sure you eat enough at suhoor to avoid running out of energy during the day, I usually have one hardboiled egg or a protein shake, and then as much water as I can drink! (This might sound drastic but it's usually around one cup lol, I can't hold much water.)
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    The time of day or number of meals you eat has no bearing on weight loss. All you need to do is stay under your calories for the day. Further reading by someone that has more knowledge then I:

  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    The fasting phase doesn't cause you to slow down your metabolism and gain weight. What causes you to gain weight is stuffing your face.

    ^ Ultimately this, and this:
    The time of day or number of meals you eat has no bearing on weight loss. All you need to do is stay under your calories for the day.


    OP: In short, keep control over your total daily intake of calories and macronutrients and you'll be just fine.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Honestly, I'd recommend NOT fasting. If you're not getting any benefit out of it, why do it?

    Ramadan is a religious fast observed by Muslims. It's a Very Big Deal.

    I get that.
    I simply don't recommend doing harm to your body, whether it be in the name of a deity or a custom or otherwise. Ultimately it's personal choice, but that's my recommendation.

    Fasting sun up to sun down is not going to harm your body. OP- count your calories at night, just as you do during the day. I would suggest, if you are currently trying to lose weight to eat at maintenance for the week to give yourself some extra room to work with. It is only a short time. Whatever you do gain will be mostly water weight anyways and should come off quickly.
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    A friend of mine used to switch to a night shift... That way he was able to sleep through the fasting period. I'm not Muslim, so not familiar with the customs, but I always thought that seemed like cheating! LOL

    You got some great suggestions on diet, I hope you're able to avoid the yummy treats! Good luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • srpm
    srpm Posts: 275 Member
    Try to eat your carbs/protein/fat/dairy during your morning meal (Sorry I don't know the names!) try to get in lean protein (white meat/eggs?) and fruits/veggies in at night, but not dried fruit try to stick with whole fruits & veggies.
    If you can manage to not eat any meat/dairy/bread/etc at night, some studies say the body digests fruit & veggies very easily especially when eaten without any meat or bread so that can help keep the problems of going to bed after eating at bay since they are digested faster.
  • Dead_Darling
    Dead_Darling Posts: 478 Member
    I can't wait for Ramadhan to start :) although it'll be more difficult this year with the longer hours!

    Last Ramadhan I managed to keep 28 fasts out of 30 (but that was because my hormones messed up, and I didn't get a week's break, so to say) and lost half a stone from it! The weight went back on when I went on holiday to Tenerife about a month later though lol

    What I did was eat Weetabix (or any other porridge) with fruit (I had banana with mine) for Sehri and drank as much water as I can so I wouldn't feel dehydrated during the day. At Iftari, I had a couple of dates, some more water and before Taraweeh I'd have dinner of lean meats and vegetables...sometimes I'd have roti, but not all the time :wink:

    Since Ramadhan's going to be in the summer, it's important to have as much water as possible during Sehri and Iftari

    I hope this helps a little bit :smile:
  • Guitarjon
    Guitarjon Posts: 204 Member
    I don't fast, nor am I Muslim. If I did I think I'd still make and PLAN meals before you have them to ensure they are within your 1200 calorie allowence. I'd also think about getting up earlier to ensure I can get in 2 meals a day. One in the morning (early before the sun) and one as soon as it goes down.

    I don't know the science behind it but a few people on here have said that it doesn't actually matter when you eat the calories as long as you get them in and dont go over them.

    In England at the moment its light really early and doesn't go dark straight away so I would struggle really badly getting up before the sunrise, good luck to you :)