20 soon and time for a new me

Good Evening everyone,

I am almost 20 years old and was never satisfied by my body.
I was sitting down eating my staff lunch while doing my night auditor shift at my hotel and saw Shaun T informercial.
I thought to myself do it, I ordered the Insanity program and will start it on June 1st, I will be highly dedicated to it and stick to a new way of eating as well as exercising.

I joined this website so it would give me a better chance to stick with my plan


  • briebear77
    briebear77 Posts: 253 Member
    Welcome! This website is incredible. I am on here every day now! It helps to make some friends who will hold you accountable. Feel free to add me :)
  • Thanks for the kind reply.

    I would like everyone to feel free to add me especially if you are doing the insanity program.