Opinions on Carbs please

Can people post their relationship with carbs, did you limit them and find better losses? Or do you have some with each meal and enjoy losing? I know it is ultimately about burning more calories than you take in, but I'm interested in the whole carb issue! Thanks :)


  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    You will find there is a wide range of opinions re carbs and weight loss, it's a hotly debated topic around here.

    As a runner I try to get about 60% of my calories from carbs.
  • nml2011
    nml2011 Posts: 156 Member
    I tend to carb-backload - eat the majority of my carbs in my evening meal if I am training the following morning;

    I also consume quite a few in my post workout shake;

    Apart from that I limit them especially on rest days when I drop them to 50 - 100g.
  • elri1908
    elri1908 Posts: 160 Member
    I'm not an expert, but I can tell you that for me limiting carbs have worked. I am very overweight, and used to eat a lot of carbs in the form of bread, rice, potatoes etc. By cutting that out I've been losing steadily. I do however still eat brown rice from time to time, and the odd slice of bread or water crackers etc. On a limited calorie eating plan, I just find that carbs are so high in calories that I can eat better and more healthy by focusing on rather eating more protein, and vegetables (excluding the white stuff) etc.

    Not a great deal of help, but that's my take on things.
  • hongruss
    hongruss Posts: 389 Member
    I don't have an opinion, as I eat A LOT of carbs. I struggle to maintain, currently eating 3300 daily BUT what I don't understand, is, if I cut carbs don't my Protien & Fat macros become unhealthy??

  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I am trying to limit my carbs to under 100g net--50 net would be better. I have a tendency towards insulin resistance, and my Doctor instructed me to cut my carbs down....
  • naomi8888
    naomi8888 Posts: 519 Member
    I used to eat mostly vegan and it ended up being low protein and high carb which I never really gave much thought to. However when I made an effort to increase my protein and reduce carbs I found that I was able to control my appetite a lot better. I still eat over 100g carbs most days but try to get over 100g protein too. These days I don't come home after work feeling absolutely starving.
    BTW I've also increased my fat intake so that is meant to control appetite too.

    Edited to add - I also eat seafood and dairy now
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    I'm a low carber, less than 30g of carbohydrates excluding fibre.

    My calorie intake is 60% fat, 25-30% protein and a few carbs.

    Dropping carbs reduced my calorie intake but also left me without any hunger. In total I've lost 56 pounds (the ticker is from when I set it up on here) and am now below 25 BMI.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I eat rice, pasta, bread, fruit etc, carbs don't seem to be a problem for me.
    I think the low- carb thing is just the latest fad really (I've lived through the "low fat years and saw how that didn't work!)
    Having said that, I think we at all different and some people seem to feel much better on low carbs, for others it's not an issue.
  • mom2mozart
    mom2mozart Posts: 307 Member
    I eat everything in moderation. I try to stay within the MFP default settings for my carbs. I have lost most of weight this way. I've found that when I go considerably over on my protein my losses slow down, or I gain some... My diary is open.

    I try to eat keeping in mind the food pyramid now (6-7 servings of grains, 3-4 servings of vegetables, 2-3 servings of fruit, 2-3 servings of lowfat/non-fat dairy, 2 servings of meat, limit fat and added sugar). It works for me.
  • kirsty736
    kirsty736 Posts: 65
    Thanks for your replies! I may try low carb for a few weeks to see if it helps to reduce my appetite a little.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I make sure to eat mainly high-fiber whole-grain, vegetable and legume carbs. I limit refined sugars and processed junk, etc. Pasta is my favorite food and I refuse to live without it. Luckily, there are some pretty tasty whole grain pastas out there now. (I can't stand that gritty, cardboard flavored whole wheat stuff, though.) I've never had any trouble taking off or maintaining weight while eating carbs as my primary food source. I enjoy carbs throughout the day, every day. Everybody is different, though. I don't have blood sugar problems, but if I did, I'm sure I'd have to limit my intake a bit more. I think the key for me is just eating within my calorie requirements. :drinker:
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    It's all a very personal choice and what works for one person doesn't work for another. Personally, if I go overboard on carbs then I eat and eat and eat. Reducing carbs and increasing protein curbs my appetite and makes it easier for me to stay within my calorie limit. It also means I'm more likely to eat fresh, homecooked food as you can't just reach for processed quick food if low carbing as there are usually hidden sugars and refined carbs.

    I haven't cut carbs out altogether but now get most of them from green vegetables and milk (can't give up my cups of tea!) and also eat wholewheat tortillas, brown rice or ryebread if I'm doing a lot of exercise. Midweek I try to keep to under 100g of carbs a day, higher if I'm doing a big hike at the weekend.

    It also makes preparing meals easier - which means my weightloss plan is easier to stick to! You just have to think about two main items on your plate - veg and protein: big salads with meat, curries with cauliflower 'rice', eggs on rye cripbreads for breakfast etc etc.

    I've also increased my fats as they do make food taste better and keep you feeling full and satisfied for longer. If I have a big fruit salad I simply want to have chocolate half an hour later (I'm certain that all sugars give me a spike and lead to cravings). If I have a big salad drizzled with olive oil, I feel full for hours.

    For me reducing carbs is all about cutting out sugar and processed foods, which has got to be a healthy way to eat.
  • daintyrunnergirl
    when I was losing weight from August to January (started my journey in July) I ate a very minimal amount of starchy carbs, meaning I ate no bread, pasta, rice, flour, wheat, cereal, oatmeal, etc. but I did have a few luna bars a week. I lost weight very very quickly because I am a runner. (It ended up being unhealthy for me...a drop of 124 to 87 pounds! whoops! I've gained about 13 pounds back now, so no worries!)

    But the answer for me is, carbs have helped me gain weight. Getting rid of them helped me lose weight.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I am not anti carb (except for simple sugar carbs like candy and other crap) but I did cut out all grain related foods.

    As a result of cutting out grains, my carb totals are lower which I replaced with protein and fats.

    I have never felt better since cutting out grains.

    I am usually around 100 or so on my carbs with berries, yogurt, occasional sweet potato and lots of green vegetables.

    It is a little inconvenient cutting out grains because of sandwiches mainly, but it is well worth it for me.
  • tlo5
    tlo5 Posts: 16
    I believe eating whole grains is better than regular carbs. Moderation is key. It also depends on what type of athlete you are. Runners should definitely eat more carbs than weight trainers. Maybe introduce Quinoa (keen-wa) into your diet... much better
    than regular pastas, potatoes, etc...
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I believe eating whole grains is better than regular carbs. Moderation is key. It also depends on what type of athlete you are. Runners should definitely eat more carbs than weight trainers. Maybe introduce Quinoa (keen-wa) into your diet... much better
    than regular pastas, potatoes, etc...

    I wonder why ypu think grains are better than other carbs? Do you mean grain carbs are better than those from fruit and vegetables?
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    Everyone is different....every single person...

    I tried the whole eat in moderation and counted calories and exercised and such...weight came off very slowly....very slowly...to the point I went crying to my Dr. because surely something must be wrong if I am doing all the "right" things but not loosing weight...blood tests came back - everything pretty much in the normal range...

    Read a lot and changed my eating to clean eating - got rid of most processed foods and ate whole fruits, veggies, lean meats and fish and "good" carbs (sprouted wheat bread, brown rice, wheat pastas)...still watching calories....still exercising - nudged down a little bit but still no go...

    Took out grains - bye bye breads, pastas, rice...still not a whole lot of budging....

    Along the way I read A LOT of books about nutrition, diets, etc...tons of confusing information out there...tons of "different" ways to loose weight (cause like I said everyone is different)

    took a look at my macros and really focused on my carbs and sugars - even though I was eating clean with no grain sources I was still eating a ton of fruit and higher carb veggies...worked it around so my carb intake was about 60/day and my sugar intake was low... = lost weight....

    I know FOR ME...it isn't calories in calories out...maybe my resting rate is really low - all I know is if I follow the numbers MFP give me - unless I also watch my carb/sugar intake I am not going to loose weight.

    For the past month i have been maintaining my calorie intake, working out but let my carbs and sugars go up a bit..to about 100/day for carbs...and I have been cycling around the same three pounds all month long...

    For some people - simply eating lower calories works wonders - they can still have their pastas and breads and tons of fruit and veggies..or make simple swaps in what thay have been eating and loose weight....for me this simply doesn't work - I have spent 2 years trying to find what works for me...
  • FR89
    FR89 Posts: 186 Member
    i :heart: carbs... no matter how hard i try i always end up with them in some shape or form!! :frown:
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    I don't have an issue with carbs in general, but I do have an issue with grains.

    I have cut most grains from my diet and all foods containing gluten. When I eat grains, I eat too much. Cutting out grains and gluten has naturally reduced my carb intake, but I don't worry about it too much about my intake percentage. I'm typically below 100g a day, depending on my fruit and sweet potato intake. I have changed my macros to reflect this so I'm not constantly seeing red due to my higher protein and fat intake.

    My carb intake usually consists of: sweet potatoes, berries, whole fat dairy, veggies, occasional corn (gah, I love tortilla chips!), and occasional white potatoes (love me some fries too!). I'm working on cutting out the corn and white potatoes, but weekends and lack of planning are my weakness.
  • kris4chloe
    kris4chloe Posts: 245 Member
    moderate carbs here. i used to be ultra low carb and doing atkins, but have found that eating moderate carbs (around 100 grams a day) and keeping them healthy carbs has helped. i mostly eat whole wheat, oats, and quinoa/brown rice and typically skip the carbs at dinner.

    most of my carbs come from veggies