weight training

Can u do abs evry day if you're using a weight ? I know I have to leave at least 48 hrs between weigjt training sessions and I'm wondering if same applies to abs ? Any1 help ? Xx


  • TheDoctor90
    TheDoctor90 Posts: 461 Member
    Define 'do abs'.

    Plus directly training abs will yield little results if the rest of your routine is rubbish.
  • Misha41810
    Misha41810 Posts: 22
    Can u do abs evry day if you're using a weight ? I know I have to leave at least 48 hrs between weigjt training sessions and I'm wondering if same applies to abs ? Any1 help ? Xx

    First I :heart: Betty! but as to your question you can work abs a couple of days in a row but then take a day off to allow them to recover. A good website with info is www.bodybuilding.com there are a ton of resources there that may help you. Best of luck! Just my two cents worth :)
  • DerDude
    DerDude Posts: 170
    Hey Bbooop,

    Abs are the same as other muscles are. So you should wait 48 hours. Btw. ... if you can do it every day, the exercises are not hard enough :tongue: