To my Ladies (or Gentlemen): Pole Dancing as Exercise?



  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I took a few classes before and I didn't find it to be intense enough. I can see it being a good workout if you don't do anything else. If you have a good strength building program, then its sort of a waste of time. It was fun though

    If you took an intro class, that may be why you didn't find it "intense enough." If you think pole dancing is a "waste of time" as exercise, I'd suggest you watch a few youtube videos of top pole dancers (someone else listed a few, but there are others), trust me, it gets intense.
  • hellosara08
    hellosara08 Posts: 140 Member
    @amy1612 wow really? so does that make it a little more difficult and challenging? i love a good challenge. took a sneak pic at your pictures. love them and your moves!

    @mellisant definitely would take a class next time instead of fooling around at home. i love the idea of a spotter and i love your profile pic. that takes some crazy strength. and though videos are really intense. as they get more into their tricks i start holding my breath :laugh:
  • smartandtrim
    smartandtrim Posts: 123 Member
    I do it at my local gym! It's amazing, gets me in shape and really boosts my self esteem! Nothing wrong with it!
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    If you do it on a stage in front of people with music playing, people will throw dollar bills at you all night long. Kind of a no-brainer. Burn calories and earn money at the same time.
  • hellosara08
    hellosara08 Posts: 140 Member
    @militarycat your gym provides the classes? wow. i don't think LA Fitness provides those classes at all. i'll have to look at other places

    @neverstray oh wow. I knew there was a way I could make money and lose weight at the same time. thanks!
  • smartandtrim
    smartandtrim Posts: 123 Member
    Yup! I go to a small, privately owned womens gym in my hometown, but you can find them a lot of places. We also do bellydance, which is AWESOME
  • hellosara08
    hellosara08 Posts: 140 Member
    nice! in that case *pulls up google* let the searching begin lol. and I loooove belly dancing
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Yeah, it's my favorite exercise. Once you get into intermediate/advanced it can be quite the strength training event- and whenever you want the extreme burns and cardio, you just have to turn on a fast paced song and really put in some work.

    I've been doing it for almost 3 years now, I guess. I strongly suggest videotaping yourself as well. Mirrors are great, but really being able to see your progression from a different view is just top notch delight. It did not help me lose weight, mostly because I never really seem to lose weight, regardless of caloric restriction, but I think it's one of the reasons I always look nice despite my heftiness.

    Also, it's FUN. You get addicted. It doesn't feel like exercise, it feels like the best hobby in the universe.
  • hellosara08
    hellosara08 Posts: 140 Member
    awesome! i definitely do find it to be a lot of fun. so this is a great course of action for me
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Its definitely challenging,always a new target to achieve and a new move to perfect. Id recommend it to anyone :) male or female